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Y/n woke up to her chest throbbing. She opened her eyes and glanced down. Tomura's arm was in the way, but she noticed the light marks y/n spotted the night before. Y/n took Tomura's arm and attempted to move it so she could take a look.The villain's hold tightened.

She tried to move again, but it was no use. Tomura had a firm hold on her waist with one arm. His open hand dangerously lingered palm up. The other was tightly curled around her chest with his thumb still buried into his fingers. It was like his sleeping body was trying to protect her from his other hand by holding onto her tightly.

Y/n has woken up to this scenario many times. Tomura had quite a grip when he was sleeping. Y/n tried her best to squirm out of his arms to no avail. She looked down and saw the discoloration was much worse than what it used to be and was now a full-on bruise. The villain had his arm firmly on it. Y/n gave herself one last futile chance to break Tomura's hold before settling down and accepting her fate.

The room was almost deathly quiet. Y/n listened to the only sound lightly echoing throughout the hotel room, Tomura's relaxed breathing. If it wasn't for the mild pain she was feeling, the sound of Tomura sleeping alone would have been enough to lull her back to sleep.

Tomura readjusted himself in his sleep. His cheek rested on the side of y/n's head. In the corner of y/n's eye, she watched as he chewed on his lips in his sleep. "Tomura," she called out lightly. No response. "Hey, Tomura." The villain's hold tightened as he snuggled against her head. Y/n wondered how someone so fearsome could be so unintentionally cute. She supposed it was because he was sleeping and had his guard down. Y/n knew Tomura would rather die than be seen like this. Knowing that made y/n feel special since she got to see Tomura in such an innocent state.

Tomura groaned and lifted his head. He looked down at y/n with tired eyes. "Sorry," the villain halfheartedly mumbled as he rolled over. Now free from Tomura's grasp, y/n was able to finally sit up and look at her chest.

She had a mostly light bruise that ran from one shoulder across her collarbone. Y/n guessed that it was more of a series of small marks that formed so close together they looked like one. It was darkest in the area where Tomura's initial rough bite had been. She tried to think of the bright side, the visible teeth marks had faded away while she slept, so the gigantic bruise seemed like a mystery.

Y/n sighed, realizing she had some tough calls to make. It had been warm outside lately, and she didn't want to wear a sweater to cover it. At the same time, she didn't want anyone to actually see it. Y/n took a moment to decide which one was more important to her.

Much to y/n's relief, she thought the bruise would lighten up noticeably by the time she saw anyone. Except for Kurogiri, but y/n wasn't concerned about him. At this rate, Kurogiri was an unintentional bystander to her and Tomura's relationship. She just hoped that the shadow-like villain won't use it as blackmail fodder to make her do things.

Kurogiri knew how to push her buttons and light that fire under her. All he had to do was tell The League about her and Tomura. She didn't feel ready to let everyone else know just yet. It felt awkward. She and Tomura didn't have a fairytale start to their relationship. Everyone in The League knew she and Tomura certainly didn't get along at first. She knew questions would be asked, and she wasn't willing to answer those just yet.

Threats, borderline kidnapping, and murder aren't the ideal ways to start a relationship, but that's what happened. Just thinking about it made y/n feel conflicted. If it were someone, anyone, else, y/n would have questioned if they were okay in the head. However, here y/n was, in that very situation. Even more so, she was happy too.

Tomura sat up and yawned. He looked over to y/n and leaned close to her. "What happened there?" he asked.

Y/n wasn't sure if she should laugh or not. She gave Tomura a warm smile and adjusted her shirt enough to see the darker part of the bruise. "Look familiar?"

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now