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Y/n laid in bed, staring back at herself through the mirror above. The last hour seemed slow, it was if time itself was trying to crawl to a stop. Y/n left home under the guise that she was doing research since she got the names of her potential target, y/n now had a week to sit back and relax. She didn't realize until now how boring relaxing can actually be.

She sighed and rolled over onto her side. Y/n stared at the bedside next to her. The other half of the bed was still neatly tucked in. Her phone was placed on top of the covers. 

Falling asleep was much more difficult than she thought it would be. It took her hours to get comfortable. A nagging thought in her head kept y/n wide awake. Someone was missing. Something so simple as sleeping alone seemed so foreign to her now. 

Y/n reached out and placed a hand on the empty spot next to her and bit her lip. She couldn't help but wonder if she made a bad call. Y/n asked herself if she should have invited Tomura to come along with her, even if she knew he wouldn't agree.

Her hand slid up the tightly tucked in comforter and touched her phone. The thought of receiving an angry message from Tomura made y/n hesitate to look at it. Y/n was positive that she would have woken up if she got a call or text from home. After mustering the courage within herself, y/n took a peek at her phone. Nothing. Disappointed that she hadn't gotten a single text from Tomura, y/n set down the phone. 

Piled up on a recliner sitting in the corner of the room was the bags Giran carried in for her. Y/n had planned on going to the beach, but that suddenly didn't feel like it would be any fun. Y/n stood up and walked to the coffee table that stood at the foot of the bed. The papers she had gotten from Tsuji were neatly placed on top. Y/n took them and sat down on the floor in front of the large window.

She pulled the papers apart and looked at each person's file individually. She didn't have much to go by, the forms had a name and a picture. That's it.

Y/n stared at each person's picture and wondered what they were like. It was easy to make up lives and personalities to the faces in front of her. Y/n used to do it often when she first learned Nobuo was once a living person with feelings and a life. Tomura and Dabi couldn't recall who he was, so she made up several lives for him. As she did so, y/n couldn't help but wonder if Tomura specifically targeted him to become a nomu, if he pissed Tomura off somehow and was punished, or if it was merely a case of bad luck.

One of them was a relatively young lady who seemed to be around ten years older than y/n. Her hair was blonde with white streaks running through her hair. From what y/n could tell, her hair had to go down her back, judging by the tightly coiled bun peeking out from behind her head. The woman wore a  metal-framed glasses that were rounded off. A pair of piercing blue eyes hid behind the lenses.

Y/n tilted her head to the side and looked at her name, it read Rika Oyama. Y/n hummed. Those icy pair of eyes made her seem like the no-nonsense type. She could imagine Rika was always strict. Y/n leaned forward and took a closer look at Rika's face. She also came across as someone who was secretly into romantic comedies and wished her life played out like one. Y/n took Rika's file and placed it off to the side.

The next one was a man. He was older than Rika. He seemed to be around Giran's age. While he still had color in his hair, the man was balding. His face in the picture looked worn. He had deep wrinkles on his face, and his eyes seemed tired. He wore glasses as well. They were standard lenses older people might wear. Metal frame and connected with a cord that wore like a necklace, so they don't get lost.

The name read Morio Soga. Y/n guessed he has been working at Tartarus for decades. Giran has a lot of life in him because he loves his job; Morio, on the other hand, has had his fill of his career and was waiting to retire. The tired look in his eye was a combination of his old age and everything he's seen working at Tartarus. Y/n wasn't too sure what his personal life would be like. She guessed he spends a lot of time at work and doesn't really have one. However, for whatever reason, he came across as a cat person. Y/n took the file and placed it on top of Rika's.

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