New Beginnings

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The sun was beginning to rise behind the burning city. The way the rays hit the flames made the buildings look even more engulfed in the fire than it was. The faint sounds of emergency sirens filled the air off in the distance while the space between y/n and Tomura was dead silent.

Y/n glanced down to Tomura's hand. Slowly, as if trying not to alert him, she moved her hand closer to his. The side of her finger lightly brushed up against his. Y/n held her breath as her eyes darted up to Tomura's face. He didn't seem to show signs of noticing. With bated breath, y/n inched her finger closer to his until it laid over his. Y/n looked back to the city, pretending as if she didn't even notice what she was doing.

Y/n's eyes widened as she felt Tomura's finger twitch under hers. He slowly readjusted his hand, so y/n's finger was between two of his. She felt him slowly rub against her skin.

The two continued to sit next to each other and watched the city from a distance. Y/n felt terrible about the destruction and death, but she couldn't help but feel relieved to have made it out alive and free. She hugged her knees to her chest. Y/n was exhausted from a long night.

Tomura abruptly stood up and walked away. Almost on instinct, she attempted to do the same. "Stay, " Tomura demanded.

Y/n sat completely still and watched the villain walk into the distance. A black mass formed by Tomura's side, and she wondered if he was going back. Y/n knew if he was leaving again, she wasn't invited this time.

Kurogiri manifested in front of Tomura. Y/n watched as the two men talked. Tomura walked a distance away, and y/n couldn't hear their conversation. She saw Kurogiri glance over Tomura's shoulder towards her direction. Y/n felt her stomach twist, knowing they had to have been talking about her.

A portal formed next to y/n, she looked at the warp gate and then back to the two villains. Y/n could see both of them facing her direction. She knew when to take a hint and stood up. Y/n glanced over her shoulder and took a small glimpse of the burning city behind her one last time before entering Kurogiri's quirk.

Y/n found herself back in the little country house. Y/n could hardly remember the last time she was left home alone. It was strange being all alone. The house seemed darker and colder. She certainly felt lonely being left all alone.

Y/n wandered around in the darkness until she stumbled across Tomura's couch. She sat down and turned on the TV.

Every channel was broadcasting the attack. Y/n laid down on the couch, her eyes glued to the news report while her head rested on Tomura's pillow. Through a shaky camera, y/n saw Twice surrounded by heroes. Y/n focused on the TV as she wondered how he was going to get himself out of this situation.

A black warp gate formed next to Twice, and Tomura came charging out. Y/n leaned forward, and her grip on Tomura's pillow tightened. She was now much more invested in what was going on. She felt her chest tighten as Tomura willingly rushed into a group of heroes. Y/n wondered if she was going to see Tomura get captured or if he was going to die right here on TV.

"What are you doing?" y/n mumbled to herself; "you were safe." Y/n couldn't understand why Tomura went back with Kurogiri. She knew Tomura found pleasure in other peoples' misfortune, and even more when he's the source. Even so, she wondered why he didn't come home with her.

The report focused on Twice, and he was shown fleeing through a portal. The realization hit y/n hard. Tomura went back to save the rest of The League?

Tomura made y/n feel a lot of emotions. Anger, sadness, loneliness, comfort. A select few other feelings were questionable. However, for the first time since she met Tomura, she felt something new. Admiration.

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