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Outside y/n's bedroom window, light rays were peeking out from the horizon, causing the snow in the distance to look like shining gold. Tomura spent all night laying by y/n's side, keeping a vigilant eye on her. Tomura was well aware of how early Kurogiri woke up. Carefully, he sat up at the edge of her bed and stayed there for a moment longer, parting ways before Kurogiri left his room.

Tomura threw himself on the couch and tried to go to bed. His brain wouldn't let him sleep. Tomura's thoughts kept attacking him with doubt.

Frustrated and tired, Tomura sat up and hunched forward. The blue-haired villain rested his head on his knees, using an arm as a pillow. He let his other arm dangle to his side. Y/n was tossing and turning all night, Tomura was sure she was just as tired as he was. He tried convincing himself that it would be okay to take a short nap.

"You're up early, " a deep voice said in surprise. Tomura lifted his head and looked at Kurogiri before lowering it again. Tomura raised his free arm and flung it over his head. His fingers lightly scratched at the back of his neck. " Or, " he paused; "you haven't slept yet, have you?" 

Tomura let out a groan in response. Although it must look like he was trying to sleep, Tomura's eyes were wide open. Tomura listened to Kurogiri rummage around in the room, and he ground his teeth in frustration.

After several painstaking minutes, Tomura heard Kurogiri's footsteps go along the hardwood floor to another room. Silence filled the room once again. After a bit, Tomura lifted his head. He couldn't get those worries out of his head. Tomura felt like he was handing his project away for other people to play with. He didn't like feeling like this.

"Oh, so you're awake after all, " Kurogiri said from the kitchen door. Tomura narrowed his eyes at him, refusing to answer such an obvious question. "Shall we discuss what's left to do." Tomura didn't want to. He was having a hard time concentrating. Lack of sleep and his discovery shared the blame. 

Even so, Tomura gave Kurogiri clearance to continue. "Dabi and y/n collected nine subjects last night. Himiko and Spinner came back empty-handed. Compress collected three. And Twice found us one. We have twenty-four left. If we send everyone out again, it should take them no more than three days to reach our goal. I thought it would be beneficial to send y/n to Dabi now; they might make use of-"

"No, " Tomura snapped. He didn't expect his temper to burst out as it did. The thought of pairing y/n with Dabi again, especially knowing something Kurogiri didn't, made him stress out even more. In a much calmer, by Tomura's standard, at least, he backtracked. "She's still sleeping."

Kurogiri pulled out a pocket watch y/n gave him. He felt his stomach turn, seeing y/n's gift to Kurogiri. "Still?" Kurogiri asked; "she's usually awake by now. Surely I should go wake her up." Kurogiri turned towards the hallway.

"Stop, " Tomura demanded his voice dripped with rage. He could not allow Kurogiri anywhere near her room. Y/n wasn't sleeping in her usual nighttime attire, due to the injury along her arm. Kurogiri immediately stopped and turned to Tomura. "Wouldn't you think waking her up is detrimental to y/n? She needs to think before using her quirk. If she's tired, her judgment will be off."

Tomura stared down Kurogiri, like a wolf studying its prey, the blue-haired villain refused to break eye contact. He wasn't above killing Kurogiri if he tried to disobey his orders.

"My apologies. You are correct. Y/n's quirk can be a double-edged sword if she's not in top mental condition." Tomura sat up straight and crossed his arms, acting like that was precisely the reason why Kurogiri cannot see y/n yet.

Tomura vigilantly watched Kurogiri's every movement from the couch. Although Kurogiri promised he'd step down and let y/n sleep, Tomura didn't trust him.

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