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Y/n huddled under the thin blanket. She had herself wholly cocooned. Shigaraki could sometimes hear her sniffle or lightly sob from under her hiding spot. He didn't get it. Why is she so sad over someone she didn't even know? It was downright irritating that he tried so hard to be so kind to her, and yet she didn't seem to appreciate it. He even allowed her to come back early. Had it been anyone else, he would have told Dabi to get over it.

Tomura considered all his options. What more could he do? He was reassuring. He didn't yell at y/n or blame her for anything. Shigaraki scratched at his neck as he pondered.

The sound of y/n's light crying made his skin crawl. He dug his nails deeper into his skin. Finally, he decided he couldn't take it anymore and rose to his feet. The blue-haired villain walked into Kurogiri's room, closing the door behind him.

"What's wrong with Miss y/n?" Kurogiri asked. The sound of y/n's cries could just barely be heard through the walls.

"I don't know," Shigaraki admitted; "I've done everything I can to get her to stop. I'm out of ideas, and the crying is annoying."

Kurogiri noted that his leader's hand hasn't parted from his neck since he walked in. "Are you sure you've done everything you could?" he asked.

Shigaraki growled, irked by Kurogiri's question. "Of course, I've tried everything!" he snapped.

"But have you–" Kurogiri was cut off by Shigaraki, who further insisted that he has, in fact, tried everything he could.

"I think I'm going to send y/n to Giran. How much do you think he'd charge for his services?" Shigaraki asked, wondering how much y/n's anxieties were going to affect The League financially.

"Giran?" Kurogiri asked. "Might I ask why you're sending her to The League's broker."

"He works with a larger array of villains in a relatively safe environment. I figured its an effortless way to desensitize y/n." Shigaraki waited patiently for his comrade's input.

Kurogiri gave it some thought. "That sounds like an excellent idea. How well thought out of you, Tomura Shigaraki. Would you like me to arrange it?" Shigaraki gave him clearance to continue.

Shigaraki went silent. He began to listen very carefully. It sounds like y/n's crying had stopped. For the first time since her crying fit started, Shigaraki pulled his hand away from his neck. "It's about time," he grumbled just before leaving Kurogiri's room.

Shigaraki listened once again for y/n's cries. Silence. Shigaraki let out a sigh of relief. Listening to y/n cry anymore today would have driven him up the wall. He knelt beside y/n.

She was still cocooned in his blanket. The blanket was more like a bedsheet and was very thin. If the lights in the room hit y/n at just the right angle, he'd probably be able to see her inside.

She fell asleep so much quicker this time, Shigaraki took notice that she was sound asleep already. He guessed that the stress from her experience with Dabi must have left her exhausted. Shigaraki watched as the blanket lump before him rose and fell with every inhale and exhale.

Y/n's breathing was slow and rhythmic. It was almost hypnotizing. Shigaraki snapped out of it and stood up, deciding to leave y/n be for the night.

The next morning, y/n was woken up by a hand nudging her shoulder. The warmth from the hand seeped through the thin blanket and onto her skin. Her eyes fluttered open. In a confused daze, y/n looked up. The hand on her was so comforting and warm, and there was no way it belonged to Shigaraki. Y/n saw Kurogiri looming over her.

"Good morning, Miss y/n. Hurry up and get ready. I have someone to introduce you to." Kurogiri sounded gentle, y/n guessed that Kurogiri heard her breakdown last night. She sat up and glanced over to the couch. Shigaraki was still asleep. "I'm going against Tomura Shigaraki's orders today. I will allow you to go home and pack your things."

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now