Sent Away

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Tomura woke up to y/n sleeping very close to him, a blanket was thrown over the both of them. He felt an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. Carefully and quietly, he pulled the blanket off himself and walked away.

His head was a mess. A storm of questions and accusations raged in his brain. Tomura berated himself for accidentally falling asleep. It wasn't his intention. Tomura barely remembers falling asleep in the first place. 

He paced around the room, trying to think of ways to avert the situation elsewhere. He did not want to talk to y/n about it. Tomura stormed into Kurogiri's room and slammed the door. Causing y/n to sit up immediately.

Y/n's eyes scanned the room. Tomura wasn't around. She looked over to the ground next to her and wondered if she was dreaming. Y/n placed a hand down on the floor and felt for a hint of warmth before remembering that Tomura doesn't give off any heat. 

"Do you happen to remember?" y/n asked the Nomu near the foot of the bed, who was vacantly spacing out in her direction. Y/n didn't expect an answer, she knew Nobuo couldn't possibly talk back.

Kurogiri slid out of the back room. Y/n glanced over to him. "Good morning."

"Good morning," he replied. Kurogiri opened up a portal. "Miss y/n, if you don't mind, could you go through this?" Y/n couldn't recall if Tomura said the two of them were doing anything today. 

She got up onto her feet and walked over to the portal. Y/n decided that she was probably going to Giran's again. It was a little bit early, but she was sure he had a good reason for y/n to stop by sooner than usual.

Y/n found herself in a small apartment. As she glanced around her surroundings, the portal dissipated. Y/n noticed that Tomura wasn't around. Neither was Giran. In fact, no one was around. She was alone. 

The apartment wasn't the most organized, but it was a lot neater than Tomura's portion of the hideout before she moved in. Nothing seemed to be out of place, but it wouldn't hurt to do a little dusting. A light morning breeze came in through an open window. The sounds of cars driving by and people walking about outside also filled the apartment. Y/n walked over to the open window and looked out, trying to get her bearings and figure out where she is.

A door closed behind her. "Oh, uhm, I wasn't expecting any visitors," a voice said. Y/n turned around and looked at the man standing behind her.

Dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, the man was tall with messy light blonde hair and scraggly facial hair. His dull blue eyes drooped in a way that made him look bored. The most notable feature that caught her eye was a deep scar that ran down from his hairline to the right in between his eyes.

Y/n went wide-eyed and backed away from the man as if she was just caught doing something wrong. Her heart felt like it was beating a mile an hour. She was expecting Tomura to show up, not this stranger. Y/n could feel her lower back come in contact with the window's edge. She made an effort to speak but couldn't find her words.

"Woah there, calm down y/n. I don't want to have to explain to Shigaraki how I accidentally let you jump out my window." The man took a step forward and reached his hand out for y/n.

Y/n blinked. She wondered how the man knew her name and knew about Tomura. In her confusion, her whole demeanor relaxed. "Who..." she began to say, her voice trailing off as she studied the man's face.

The man chuckled. "I guess you wouldn't recognize me without my mask." Y/n tilted her head and looked at the man. She had no idea what he was talking about. The man noticed the confused expression on her face. He wandered off into another room and came back with a grey and black mask in his hand. The man held it up to y/n. "Look familiar?"

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now