A Cry for Help

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Y/n was at a loss for words. She went from being an average person with a job she adored, friends and family y/n loved, and a quirk she despised. Whether it be fate or horrible luck, she was now technically a member of The League of Villains. Shigaraki hasn't asked her to do anything for The League yet. However, she already felt like a horrible person.

Y/n was living in a blur. She spent all day huddled under her bed covers, not wanting to do anything but sleep and zone out. Minutes turned into hours and days turned into weeks.

Every day had become just like the day before. She'd wake up in denial. Those were the parts of y/n's day that she'd look forward to most of all. Then the reality sinks in, causing y/n to shut down and cry to herself. Once she ran out of tears to shed, she'd stare at the wall until she eventually fell back asleep to continue the cycle the next day.

Y/n would break the cycle for very few things. She'd get out of bed if she had to use the restroom, or until she got so hungry, y/n almost felt like dying. Y/n had tried to go to work at first, but she just couldn't. After a few days, y/n stopped caring. She couldn't remember when was the last time she went to work.

After several days, the doorbell would ring regularly. Four pm, on the dot. Y/n had a few guesses as to who it could be. She tried to ignore the doorbell, but eventually, y/n caved in and decided to take a look at who would be at her door. Who would want to see League of Villain scum like me?

Still huddled in her comforter and her hair a mess, y/n forced herself out of bed. She answered the door. "Y/n?" a familiar voice called out lovingly. Y/n looked at the dark-haired girl standing in front of her.

"Hello, Aya," y/n said in a dull tone. She could see Aya looking at her up and down. Y/n guessed that Aya was probably thrown off by her appearance. Y/n still had her bedhead, her eyes swelled from tears, she had some eye goop that she didn't bother to wipe away, and it has probably been a day or two since the last time she had showered; but who's counting. Aya invited herself inside and wrapped her arms around y/n tightly. Y/n could hear her sniffle in your ear.

"Where have you been girly? You haven't gone to work in weeks. Everyone has been asking about you. I've been so worried." Y/n could hear the mix of sadness and relief in her voice. Y/n considered apologizing. She felt awful, allowing her best friend to suffer because y/n was in a depressive slump. Then that little thought nagging at y/n's mind came back: she was a member of The League of Villains.

Y/n didn't deserve Aya's kindness or friendship because Shigaraki had taken away her old life. Any day now, Shigaraki was going to force y/n to do something horrific, and there was little anyone could do about it. Shigaraki promised that her involvement in The League would reduce casualties, even if that were true, people were still going to die because of her actions. "Sorry," y/n mumbled under her breath, trying to choke back her tears and swallow her sadness.

"I don't know what's going on with you." Aya's hug tightened. "Come on, let's go do something. Get some coffee, go to the park, anything! When was the last time you've been outside?"

Willing to humor Aya's question, y/n thought about it and attempted to count how many times she has slept. "A week, maybe two." Aya pulled y/n's hand, practically begging to go outside while informing y/n that she's been locked up in her room for three and a half weeks. Y/n pulled her hand away from Aya. "I don't feel like it. I'm sorry."

Aya frowned, her green eyes felt like they were looking into y/n's soul. "If you insist. Please, visit me soon. I'm worried about you." Y/n stayed quiet, averting her e/c eyes away from Aya's. "I love you."

"Yeah," y/n mumbled sadly; "me too."

Things were awkward. Y/n couldn't possibly close the door in Aya's face, even though she both did and didn't want Aya to leave. It seemed like Aya took the hint. She waved goodbye with the most pathetic frown on her face before turning around and walking away. Y/n watched Aya walk away for a moment before closing the door.

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