Week with a Villain

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Both she and the blue-haired villain sat together in awkward silence for a moment. Y/n could see Shigaraki's eyes narrow while eyeing her up and down as if he was analyzing her.

Deep down, y/n was mentally beating herself up for saying too much. Y/n swallowed hard. "S-so, what are you doing?"

Shigaraki leaned back into the pillow behind him. "Everyone has a tell when they lie. What is yours?"

Y/n frowned; she didn't know how to answer his question. "I don't know. I don't think I would notice something like that. It wouldn't be a tell otherwise, right?" Shigaraki shifted back to leaning forward and rested his head on his palm.

Although she wasn't very far away from Shigaraki, she could barely hear him mumbling to himself. It sounded like he said something about her stammering and breaking eye contact a lot. Y/n also thought she heard something about someone having low self-esteem. "H-hey, I'm still in the room, you know."

"You put me in a bind here," Shigaraki explained; "I can't trust you, but I'm in no condition to watch everything you do. I need to heal up, you know." Y/n felt a little insulted. He had threatened her six different ways last night, and he still thought she'd be dumb enough to step out of line?

"I don't know what to say," she admitted; "if I knew how to prove myself, then I wouldn't need to tell everyone I'm quirkless when they ask."

Shigaraki lightly scratched his neck in thought. "And why didn't you lie to me?" he inquired.

"Well, for starters, you did threaten me last night," y/n started, crossing her arms across her chest. "Secondly, you didn't trust me before you grabbed my wrist. I don't see what difference it would make. I've been nothing but honest, but you don't believe me. Just like everyone else."

Y/n began to feel ridiculous. This felt like it was a therapy session. If anything, Shigaraki was the one who needed therapy. "Well, if you don't mind, I'm going to step out. I have a bloodstain to scrub out."

"Whatever," Shigaraki grumbled. He slowly laid back down and rolled onto his right side. Y/n turned around and dug through her dresser. As y/n searched for something to wear, she could feel Shigaraki occasionally staring at her.

Uncomfortable, she quickly pulled out a f/c long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. Y/n felt Shigaraki's gaze follows her movements as she hurried out of the room, quickly closing the door behind her.

Y/n had dressed up in the bathroom. She changed out of the clothes she was wearing and put on the ones she had just picked out for herself. Y/n stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the bloodstain.

Placing her hands on her hips, she stared at the darkened stain on her hardwood floor. "It looks like it soaked into the wood," she noted out loud. "Well, if it really won't come out, then I guess I could buy a rug."

Y/n grabbed a scrub pad and hot water from the kitchen and began scrubbing. She mindlessly cleaned for nearly three hours. Under normal circumstances, she'd be bored after a minute. However, after all the stress she's been in, a monotonous task like this was a perfect distraction.

Y/n sat up straight and stretched, looking down at her hard work. Not too bad, she thought to herself, examining the color of the wood compared to the rest of the room. She could still see it, but she assumed that it was because she knew it's there. Y/n was confident that no one would notice it.

After giving it some thought, y/n changed her mind. Y/n clicked her tongue. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to buy something to cover it."

Even if the stain was or wasn't visible, she didn't want to see that spot ever again. She wanted nothing else but to cover up this memory under a rug. Y/n looked over at the clock; it was now a little past noon. She sighed. This week could not go any slower.

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