❗Keep Moving Forward

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A surge of cold ran from her fingertips to the rest of her body like a jolt of electricity. Under her fingers, y/n felt the occasional rough patch on Tomura's skin that has been damaged from years of scratching and picking. Her hands slowly traveled up, and her thumbs rested along the villain's jawline.

Tomura had been stiff as a board, but he was now finally beginning to relax. Y/n felt Tomura's jaw move under her thumbs. Along with feeling his lips roughly following hers. Y/n moved down and lightly touched his wrists. He hadn't moved his hands once since y/n initiated the kiss. They stayed firmly planted right in front of him.

Testing the waters, y/n coaxed his hands to slowly inch towards her lap. She lightly ran the tips of her index fingers in little circles on the back of his hands. Slowly but surely, y/n got his hand moving towards her.

The blue-haired villain's fingers recoiled into a curl as soon as his icy touch made contact with her skin. She felt his hands jerk back towards him. Once again, the villain began to stiffen his kiss.

Y/n knew if Tomura felt too awkward, he would end the kiss. She wasn't ready yet. Y/n just barely parted her lips from the villain's. She couldn't resist opening her eyes a bit to see Tomura's next reaction with her own eyes. As lightly as possible, y/n let the tip of her tongue run up Tomura's lower lip.

A shaky breath escaped his mouth as he let out a small groan that was dripping with want. The silence in the room amplified Tomura's reaction, the sound alone was enough to send a chill down her spine and her heart in her chest to squeeze. Although his eyes were still closed, y/n could see longing hiding behind his eyelids.

A wave of relief washed over y/n as soon as she heard Tomura's reaction, knowing that she just earned herself a few more minutes with Tomura. She watched as Tomura's eyes opened just enough to look down at y/n. His ruby eyes were glassy and bore into her with an unusually gentle look mixed in with his usual intensity as their eyes met.

Her tongue lingered for a moment as the two stared at each other. For a moment, y/n hesitated, getting lost in Tomura's eyes. Y/n's hand traveled back up to Tomura's face. Her thumb rested just under his chin as she joined her lips with his again. Tomura was once again moving in fluid motion with her. Y/n watched as Tomura's eyes close, a look of contentedness in his face. Y/n's vision faded into darkness as she closed her eyes.

Y/n felt Tomura push himself closer to her. In return, y/n parted her lips apart just enough to deepen the kiss. Y/n gripped onto his shirt as she let her tongue explore further. Tomura hesitated, but not for long. Picking up y/n's voiceless coaching quickly, his tongue began to snake with hers.

Not wanting to overstimulate Tomura too much, y/n decided to let him keep his hands in front of him. Y/n released his shirt from her grip and intertwined a pair of fingers around his. A low rumble filled the room, breaking the silence she had taken so much comfort in. Y/n separated her lips from Tomura's.

Before turning to pick up her phone, y/n lightly held Tomura's bottom lip in between her teeth. The corners of y/n's mouth curled into a playful smile as she slowly released Tomura.


Y/n turned to the end table and reached out for her phone. She glanced at the screen for a moment before answering. "Hello, Giran," Y/n heard Tomura let out a low growl, and she placed her hand on his cheek to silence him.

"Hey there, g' morning. How's your day goin' so far?" Giran asked.

Y/n lowered her hand, and she glanced over to Tomura, who was still next to her. The villain was looking at her with a mix of intent and impatience in his eyes. "It's been..." y/n paused, thinking of a way to vaguely summarize how great her morning was going so far; "eventful."

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now