Level Up

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Tomura rolled over and saw y/n still fast asleep next to him. He told her the day before that he was going to request Himiko stay away today so y/n could sleep in. Part of him expected y/n to get up early regardless and practice on her own.

The villain kept his distance from y/n, unsure where he should place his hands. He closed his eyes quickly as y/n began to stir in her sleep. Tomura listened to y/n's movements. He could hear her turning over onto her side. Tomura figured she was planning on leaving him yet again.

He felt y/n's warmth against his face. He kept his focus, reminding himself to breathe. Giving away the fact that he was actually awake was the last thing he wanted to do.

Tomura felt y/n move about a bit more. Suddenly he felt y/n relocate his arm from his side to around her waist. She delicately left her hand on his wrist.

The movement suddenly stopped, and the room was back to being quiet. Tomura opened his eyes, y/n was sleeping once again, her back facing Tomura. Her body was a lot closer to him. The blue-haired villain moved in a little to close the gap between them. 

Tomura rested his head on his free hand and looked down at the sleeping y/n. The villain looked at the arm she had in her grasp and wrapped his fingers around his thumb. He let out a quiet yawn as he watched her sleep. 

He felt his stomach turn, as it usually did whenever he's in her presence. Tomura hated the feeling, but he learned to tolerate it. The villain had no idea what this sickness was linked to, other than y/n. He ultimately decided that the disease is simply y/n specific.

Tomura let out yet another tired yawn before laying back down close to y/n. He tucked his thumb into his fingers, just like his other hand and placed it under his pillow. The villain stared at the back of y/n's head for a moment. Without thinking about it, his grip on y/n's waist tightened as if his body was refusing to let y/n wander off while he was sleeping yet again. His eyes grew heavier and heavier until he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.

The first thing y/n felt when she woke up was a sense of being cold. One of Tomura's arms were wrapped around her waist, and another had made its way under her pillow. She tried to move, but Tomura's grip on her was too firm.

As soon as she stopped wiggling around, trying to free herself from the sleeping villain, Tomura readjusted himself. The already tight grip on her became even more impenetrable. He curled forward a little more, so his head was resting closer to the back of hers. 

Y/n tried squirming herself free yet again as Tomura's warm breath brushed up against the side of her neck. Y/n chewed on her lip as she felt a slight tickling sensation dance along her skin. Y/n released his wrist and tapped on the back of his hand. "Tomura," she called out in a gentle tone. No response. 

"Tomu-" y/n cut herself off and bit down on her lip. She stifled a quiet moan as Tomura exhaled again. Her skin crawled at the delicate feeling. "Tomura," she called out again, this time a little more stern. 

"Hm?" the still sleeping villain responded.

"Can I get up?" y/n asked in a sweet voice. The villain's grip tightened even more for a short minute before he finally released her and rolled over to his other side.

Now she could finally continue her morning routine. Just like she does every morning, y/n leaned in close to the villain and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before getting up off the bed. She sat down next to him with a warm smile on her face as she watched him do what he did after her morning kiss.

The villain grumbled something incoherent and rubbed at his cheek with his sleeve. After letting out an irritated whimper, he'd settle back down. Tomura then nuzzled into his pillow, signaling the end of his morning struggles.

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