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Y/n was sitting on the couch, reading the book Tomura had lent her. She was a little past halfway through, but she found herself rereading the same page over and over. Her mind was frequently slipping out of the book, and she'd find herself thinking back to the festival.

Tomura was so charming that night and y/n couldn't wrack her brain about how that was the same Tomura. If it weren't for the fact that she saw it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it. Just thinking about how sweet he was made y/n's heart flutter.

Even after the festival, Tomura has maintained that level of sweetness that he showed at the festival. Once, Tomura had brought her a f/f. Y/n had no idea how he managed to get it. At first, she was worried he killed someone over obtaining a flower for her. Still, she hadn't seen anything about any Tomura related deaths lately.

He seemed to have taken more interest in learning about her. However, y/n was never sure if Tomura genuinely enjoyed learning about her likes and dislikes. Part of y/n believed he was just bored and wanted something to do.

The blue-haired villain was sitting at his computer. Every so often, she would peek up from her book and look over to him. Sometimes she'd just watch him work. Y/n would find herself noticing little things about him that she hadn't seen before.

Y/n recently caught herself studying how he holds things and learning which fingers he typically lifted to combat his quirk. She noticed that he lifted different fingers, depending on which hand he was using. On his right hand, he would usually raise either his middle or his little finger, but on his left hand, he most often lifted his index finger. The only constant exception to that rule was when he played video games. Whenever he holds his controller, he usually lifted his index fingers on both hands.

When she wasn't studying Tomura, she'd try to take a glance over to his computer screen. However, she couldn't quite make out what he was looking at. She leaned forward and squinted her eyes. However, it was no use, y/n couldn't see what he was reading. Giving up, she slumped back into the couch and rested the book on her knees.

A few moments passed, and y/n managed to force herself back into the fantasy world of the book. Y/n read three full chapters before her concentration drifted once again. Her eyes traveled up towards Tomura's computer. Suddenly, she realized the villain wasn't sitting at his desk.

A pair of arms wrapped around her neck. Y/n could feel Tomura's cheek pressed against her temple. Her face reddened as she realized how Tomura has a babyface. His cheek felt so soft against her head. She couldn't help but think how cute it was.

"Can I help you?" Y/n asked after calming down her heart.

Tomura let go of y/n and jumped over the couch's back and landed on a cushion. "I just saw what page you're on," he replied. He leaned in close to continue looking at the book in her hand. "Oh, okay. I know where you're at now."

"Well, you know you could always read with me. Ah- if you want." Y/n held out the book, so it was easier for Tomura to see.

"Ahh, no thanks," Tomura replied; "I can't say I have the patience to reread that one."

Y/n gave him a nod and looked back down at her book. In the corner of her eye, she could see Tomura messing with father. He was mindlessly poking at the disembodied hand's fingers. He let out a sigh and placed it off to the side. Y/n gave him a warm smile. "Someone sounds bored."

"Yeah, a little," he replied; "I ran out of games to play, and The League shouldn't be doing anything for at least a few more days."

Y/n paused and gave it some thought. "Why don't we go out and buy you a new game then?" She thought it would be good to force Tomura outside every once and awhile. Even though he seemed to be okay sitting inside all day, y/n was convinced getting some fresh air was good for him.

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now