Death of a Hero

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Y/n kept her word and tried her best to be much friendlier towards Shigaraki. As soon as she noticed him waking up, she put down her book and sat up straight. She watched Shigraki rolled over and yawn. Y/n could tell that he was beginning his daily routine, starting with waking up and pulling her out of bed. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at her. Y/n guessed that he wasn't prepared to see her already awake.

"Good morning," she tried to say in a somewhat upbeat manner before standing up and walking over to him.

"Yeah," he replied. She knew Shigaraki was going to be a little apprehensive over her overnight change in tone. Ever since he banned y/n from going to Giran's office, she had stopped greeting Shigaraki. Y/n wanted to get this over with, though. She didn't have the time and patience to slowly befriend Shigaraki.

"Can..." her voice trailed off. She reminded herself yet again that this was for her best interest. "Can we sit down and talk for a little bit. I have something I want to say."

Shigaraki approached closer to y/n and sat down on the mattress. Y/n sat down next to him and took a deep breath. Even though she had been mentally preparing herself to give Shigaraki this talk for hours, she still didn't feel ready. You can do this. Just rip it off like a bandaid. Just say what you need to say and let whatever happens, happen, she mentally psyched herself up again.

Y/n fumbled with her fingers and looked down. "I've been thinking," she paused, the anxiety got to her, and her mind went blank. "I've been thinking I..." her voice trailed off while she thought about precisely what she wanted to say. "I should help out more. I guess," she mumbled as quietly and quickly as she could, all while reminding herself that this was for her best interest.

The blue-haired villain was silent. Why isn't he saying anything? Just say something! Anything, she pleaded while maintaining her calm demeanor on the outside.

"I knew you'd come around eventually. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Shigaraki grinned behind father. Y/n let out a halfhearted smile. She reminded herself once again that she was only needed for one small task, and then it'll be all over.

Shigaraki's rules hadn't changed very much since y/n offered Shigaraki full use of her quirk. He still kept a close eye on her as well as kept her isolated. Y/n noticed he was acting a little bit different.

Lately, he's been much calmer. Usually, he has three or four bad days a week, but the past week has been quiet. Y/n reminded herself not to get used to it, often comparing this quiet moment to the calm before the storm. His next tantrum was bound to be a big one. 

Shigaraki had been keeping himself busy with his work. Sometimes, he would talk about how excited to have y/n fight alongside him. Shigaraki always made sure to emphasize how happy he was that she changed her mind in the end, adding that he would have been forced to kill her otherwise. The villain would end that comment with a lighthearted chuckle. Y/n never thought that joke was funny.

Y/n attempted to gather information from Shigaraki as best she could. She would often wonder how her quirk could possibly be useful to The League. Shigaraki would dodge the question whenever she asked. Sometimes he'd tell her that she didn't need to worry about it. Other times, he'd say to her that she will find out in due time.

Shigaraki has never had an issue talking to others in front of y/n, but lately, he's been stepping outside whenever he needed to speak. When Shigaraki stepped outside, y/n would stand on the other side of the door and try to listen in on his conversation. She wanted to know what precisely The League was up to. Y/n needed to know what she got herself into. The wait was killing her.

Listening in through the door wasn't the most practical solution, but it was all she had. Y/n couldn't make out very much. The heavy wooden door muffled a lot. From what she gathered, he's been calling Mister Compress. It sounds like he wanted Compress to get him something. Every so often, she would be able to just barely make out her name being uttered from the other side.

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