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Y/n's fingers fumbled with the metallic clasps of her mask. She heard a distinct click boom next to her ear as the mask locked in place.

She ran her hands along her belt, making sure she had everything she needed while going down her mental checklist. Mask, check, big bombs, check, mini bombs, check, taser, got it. Voicebox?

Y/n opened a drawer with several little black boxes inside. Holding one in each hand, y/n looked at them. Will two be enough?

After mentally debating whether or not she had the room to carry all five with her, y/n settled on taking three. She closed the drawer and opened the bedroom door. Y/n stood in the room alone. Her hand traveled towards her collarbone, and she felt a little bump under the thick hoodie's fabric. Y/n was instantly at ease, feeling the locket under her fingertips.

A familiar, yet hidden, face was standing on the other side of the door. Y/n looked up at Tomura. It seemed so strange seeing him wear all of his hands at once. He only did that on critical outings. Seeing him wear father was almost as much of a rarity these days.

Tomura was still very attached to the named hand. However, he had grown accustomed to placing it on the nightstand by his bedside rather than vacantly wearing it all day.

The blue-haired villain let out a small growl. "What's wrong?" y/n asked. Tomura kept his eye on y/n and remained quiet. Suddenly, y/n realized how stupid she must look, none of her Voiceboxes were on. She pressed a little black button on her box and repeated her question.

Tomura placed two fingers just below her eye and lightly ran them along her face. He took a big step forward, closing the door behind him. Tomura was standing so close to y/n that she could feel the cold emanating from his skin.

"I wanted to steal one last kiss before we have to go, but you already have your Ventrilloquy Apparatus on." The tone in Tomura's voice almost sounded like he was taunting her.

While true, y/n wouldn't mind another kiss, he had already given her several and much more shortly after waking up. Just thinking about it made her skin crawl in all the right ways. She reminded herself that she had to take advantage of how affectionate Tomura has been lately. Once all the stress and adrenaline from going to Tartarus wears off, she had a feeling he won't be so cuddly and starved for attention.

Y/n tugged on his shirt gently. "When we get back?" she asked.

Tomura went silent for a moment. "When we get back," he repeated in a faintly affirmative tone. She felt something move in her hoodie pocket. She watched as Tomura pulled out her phone. Watching the phone crumble on his hand brought back memories. To this day, y/n isn't sure if she should consider her earliest memories with Tomura as good ones or bad ones. "What's that look for?"

"You owe me two phones now," y/n said. She looked up at Tomura, wishing she could see his face under the hand.

"Tomura! Sis! Where are you two?!" a feminine voice echoed down the hallway. Almost instinctively, Tomura stepped back and away from y/n as if he was going to be caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.

Tomura swung the door open and nudged y/n out in the hallway.  Himiko instantly ran up to y/n, and the blonde villain attached herself to y/n.

Y/n placed her hand on Himiko's head and carefully ran her fingers in her silky blonde hair. As she did so, y/n tried her best not to mess up her messy buns. Y/n did her best to look happy to see Himiko, although her mask covered most of her face.

In the corner of her eye, she spotted Tomura, using the darkness in the dimly lit hallway to exit the room undetected by Himiko. Inside, she felt like Tomura had just used her as bait to distract Himiko for him.

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