Left Behind

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Sirens blaring and a low rumble shocked y/n awake. She opened her eyes to see smoke filling a large room. People in white lab coats were fleeing elsewhere while figures dressed in all black led them. The freezing metal floor that came in contact with her skin gave off a burning sensation. Still in a daze, she sat up.

Nobuo was protectively curled over y/n. Unsteadily, she got on her feet. Using her Nomu for support, y/n began to head towards the center of the room. Stay away from the walls, echoed in her mind. That was one of the last bits of advice Tomura had given her. 

Himiko's main job was to get inside and lay down the explosives. Igniting them was Dabi's task. Y/n wanted to be as far away from both the bombs and Dabi's quirk as possible. Another explosion went off. Y/n pulled her hood closer to her face, covering her eyes as she got pelted with small bits of chipped metal.

Down a narrow hallway, y/n heard Himiko's voice. Taking a look around, Nobuo and Tomura were with her. No other League member seemed to be around. She assumed the rest of them went to the next room. 

Y/n began to hurry forward. "Watch where you're going!" The wind was knocked out of y/n as she felt herself once again meeting the cold metal ground. Dirty liquid sloshed onto the ground by her side as she heard the sound of Tomura dry heaving. Y/n jerked herself forward to sit up.

In front of her was a distressed Tomura. Y/n placed her hand on his shoulder and the other on his back. She lightly ran her fingers along his back as he continued to vomit up the strange liquid. Taking a closer look at him, she noticed an apparent, circular wound on his throat. Her heart jumped instantaneously. "Tomura, are you okay?" she asked, forgetting both that the blue-haired villain couldn't hear her through her mask and that the two of them were still in danger.

"Stay more alert next time," he scolded. Tomura's voice was even raspier than usual, his voice nearly cracking. "You could have been the one to take a bullet to the throat."

Y/n wrapped her arms around Tomura. Her hug on the villain tightened as she heard him cough. "Tomura?" Once again, her voice was muffled entirely by her mask. Tomura slipped through her arms as he dissolved into a puddle of muddy liquid on her lap. "Clone," y/n muttered to herself, feeling both mortified and relieved at the experience she just had. 

"Stop villain," a voice called out. Y/n froze as she heard footsteps surround her. Upon seeing the guns in their hands, y/n raised hers. Behind the men in front of her, she saw Nobuo.

Several officers were shooting at him. The guns in their hands looked much different from the handguns being pointed at her. "Get to your feet, remove your mask," a voice demanded.

Y/n knew she was in no position to argue their demands. Y/n kept her eyes on the Nomu ahead of her. The men attacking the monster had distracted him. Y/n wished she could push the button on her locket, alerting Nobuo to the danger she found herself in. It was no use, though. 

She slowly stood up, feeling herself stumble forward with unsteady legs. Cautiously, she reached for her face and began fidgetting with the clasps. Y/n tilted her head as the mask clicked.

As she began to lower her mask, y/n took a deep breath in and exhaled. An overpowering sour taste attacked her senses as a puff of black smoke spewed from her mouth, effectively obscuring her face. She spat the smoke bomb she had hidden in her mask for an occasion just as this.

Taking no time, she dropped the mask and reached into her belt. Grabbing several orbs in both hands and slammed them to the ground with all the force she could muster.

A thick cloud covered the room almost entirely. Y/n heard several officers violently coughing. Her heart was racing, and she began to feel dizzy. Y/n had been practicing navigating her way in smoke since she added them to her arsenal. She was in her element; however, she didn't feel confident at all.

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