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"So, what's the occasion?" y/n asked as she pushed herself through the towering stacks of files on the floor, nearly climbing over them.

"I'm relocating pretty soon. The neighborhood is a little more lively than it used to be," Giran replied. Y/n took the seat across from his desk and watched the older villain light up a cigarette. She was about to warn him about how smoking in this mess was basically asking for a fire, but y/n kept her mouth shut. She knew Giran would do it anyway.

"Relocating where?" y/n asked. Giran stood up and made y/n a hot drink on a portable stovetop. Y/n held her breath, worried that it would tip over.

"Haven't decided," he replied, sitting back down in his big leather chair; "I'll contact you when I find a better place."

Y/n looked around the room. It was like a tornado ran through the office. However, y/n knew Giran was better than that. Each pile was most likely there on purpose. After working under Giran's wing for so long, y/n was sure she could guess the pattern if she got to examine the piles.

Regardless of how organized or not the office was, taking everything down and moving was still an enormous task. "If you need help, let me know," y/n said before taking a small sip from the mug.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Giran began; "so are you here because you want to be here or because Shigaraki sent you here?"

Y/n wasn't sure how to answer that. She looked up to Giran, as sleazy as he could sometimes be. Y/n reminded herself that this was, in fact, a business visit. "Well, I need to order some things."

Giran pulled out an order form from his desk and slid it towards y/n. Usually, Giran would never suggest a client order their own stuff; clearly, he was far too comfortable around y/n.

Y/n stalled as she filled out the form, dreading the other reason why she came to visit. She slid the paper back to Giran, and he looked at it. "Interestin'," he muttered as he exhaled a puff of smoke.

"I wanted to ask you for a favor too." Y/n knew what was coming next. She bit the bullet and told Giran Tomura's plan.

"He wants to do what?" Giran asked, his voice had raised so high, it nearly cracked.

"Break into Tartarus," y/n replied quietly. She looked down at the warm drink in her hands and spotted her muddied reflection on the surface.

"And ya need me to what?" Giran asked, still clearly in disbelief.

"Tomura told me to look for someone that has a connection to Tartarus. And, well," she paused, trying to think of the best way to put her thoughts into words; "well, you have a lot of unusual connections, so I thought you could help me out, Maybe?"

Giran placed his head in his hands. "Y/n, you're smarter than this." Y/n felt her face heat up in embarrassment. "Have ya tried convincing him to change his mind?"

"Everyone has," y/n replied. Y/n placed the cup in her hands down onto Giran's desk.

"No, no. I mean. Convince him. Ya know, with your quirk." Giran's red eyes met with y/n's. He was trying to keep his calm, but she could easily see the worry behind his eyes.

"I can't imagine how Liar could possibly help in this case," y/n replied, sinking into her chair; "he's been thinking about this for months. I can't use Liar to erase the plan from his mind. Even if I could, if this is something he truly wants to do, he's bound to come up with the plan again. And then what? It'll be out of my control."

Giran looked up from his hands and sighed. "So, there's nothing anyone can do, eh?"

Y/n shook her head. "Probably not."

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