A Much Needed Break

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Shigaraki felt y/n tremble under his arms as she quietly cried into his chest. He adjusted his head and rested his cheek on top of her head, so the flowery scent was even closer to him. He tried to think about how to make y/n feel better. His eyes drifted to the pile of ash and bone on the ground behind her. Y/n is too sentimental.

Y/n's tears eventually stopped. Shigaraki was starting to feel thankful, she was starting to get on his nerves. She kept her forehead pressed against Shigaraki's collarbone. That flowery scent was comforting at first, but now it was starting to bother him. It was beginning to give him a headache and knot up his stomach.

Shigaraki let go of y/n and looked down at her. He noticed her reddened eyes. He's never seen her look so sad before. He reminded himself once again that y/n is too soft before an idea crossed his mind.

He got up off his knees and walked over to the pile of bone and ash. The villain dug through the collection while y/n absently stayed in her spot. Shigaraki picked up the skull sitting among the dust as carefully as he could and blew away the lingering ash.

He held up the skull to y/n. "Sentimental people like you like keepsakes, right?" Shigaraki watched as y/n began tearing up again. He didn't understand what was wrong. She stopped crying, so she had to have been over it, so why did the tears start again?

Shigaraki didn't know what else to do, so he gave up. He placed the skull down onto the ground before walking to the couch. The villain placed the box off to the side and began playing a game. Shigaraki scrunched up his nose from under the hand covering his face. He could still smell flowers from the other side of the room. The smell was intoxicating yet nauseating.

Y/n was not like herself for several days. This breakdown was different from all the other ones she's had since meeting Shigaraki. Now, they were more frequent, and he often heard y/n muttering to herself about wanting to die.

The breakdowns became much worse when Shigaraki showed her a missing person ad he had come across online. He mentioned that the timing of the announcement and IronStrike's disappearance happened to line up just right. While Shigaraki found this a pleasant surprise; it also seemed to worsen y/n's crying fits.

He did some research on the side, and her disappearance was being tied up to IronStrike's as well. He added that some sources are painting y/n to be a possible culprit. Day by day, that narrative was becoming more and more widely accepted. Shigaraki would excitedly talk about how great it was that y/n couldn't go back to her old life. He often added that change is a good thing.

IronStrike's remains were removed from the hideout, except for the skull Shigaraki had pulled out. He kept that on display next to his computer. As far as Shigaraki is concerned, it was like the whole ordeal never happened. Y/n didn't feel the same.

On a near nightly basis, y/n was having nightmares. Y/n would wake up in a cold sweat, sobbing over a dream she can't remember. Shigaraki didn't know what to do, and Kurogiri was no longer offering him any good advice. Kurogiri kept telling him to be more agreeable to y/n, to throw away the skull, and to apologize again.

Shigaraki was already as friendly to her as he could. He also didn't want to get rid of the skull. He thought it made a good decoration piece for the hideout. Besides, he considered that y/n might potentially want to keep it as a souvenir one day. The last thing he needed was y/n getting even more upset once the skull is gone. Shigaraki refused to apologize. He didn't do anything wrong. If he were in her place, Shigaraki would have personally really liked the gift he gave her. As far as he's concerned, y/n was being ungrateful.

The League was hanging low for a while, so Shigaraki had a bit of downtime for the time being. He would use that time to be with y/n. She'd spend all day huddled in bed so he'd sit at the foot of the mattress. Sometimes, Shigaraki would try to talk to her, but she stopped responding to him. The silence worked out in his favor because he often ran out of things to say. She wasn't reading at all, and he was unfamiliar with her other interests, so he wasn't sure what else there was to talk about.

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