Seperation Anxiety

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A soft chime from y/n's phone filled the room from the other side. Y/n got herself out of bed and slowly walked over to turn off the alarm. She placed her arms on the dresser and rested her head down, nearly falling asleep standing up. "Okay," y/n mumbled to herself, in a futile attempt to motivate herself; "time to go to work."

She glanced over to the bed and wished she was still sleeping. The first few days at the bookstore were smooth, y/n even liked having a job, it was nowhere near as stressful as working for The League. Y/n had been showing up undercover for a couple of weeks now, and the novelty of having a real job was wearing her thin. The man only visited once and a while. Y/n maximized her chances to catch him by being in the store for as many hours and days as possible. While the job was easy enough, she still found herself feeling exhausted and sleep-deprived after a short week.

Y/n picked out her uniform and dressed up in the closet. Still tired, she walked to Kurogiri's door and knocked. "Kurogiri," she called out. "I need to go to work." She pressed her forehead against his bedroom door. With closed eyes, she waited for the villain to transport her to work.

The black fog manifested, and y/n groaned. She wished Kurogiri waited a few more minutes before sending her away. Y/n entered the portal and found herself in her usual spot. Kurogiri always took her to the same rooftop. Y/n groaned as she looked down the fire escape ladder. Once down at the bottom, y/n had to walk another five blocks to the bookstore.

The little bell chimed as the front door swung open. "Hello, there Atsuko," a petite woman with short hair and glasses greeted. 

Y/n stared blankly at her for a moment. "Oh. Oh! Good morning."

The woman laughed lightly. "Not a morning person?"

Y/n gave her a smile. Usually, after her walk, she's wide awake. Y/n wasn't used to responding to her false identity. "Yeah, I guess I stay up a little too late sometimes."

Y/n walked up to the front register and typed in her code. Her eyes scanned the bookstore. Yesterday, she picked out a mystery novel to take home with her. The next row over was the historical fiction genre. Y/n hummed as she considered skipping to the next row. She shrugged off the thought, y/n had eight hours to decide what she was going to pick out.

The girl with the glasses waved as she announced that she was going to pick up breakfast down the street. Y/n gave her a nod. As soon as y/n was alone, she slumped over the counter and sighed.

The shop was as empty as it always was. Customers came sporadically with few in between. Y/n walked around the counter and headed towards the rows of historical fiction books.

Y/n sat behind the counter with a book in her hand. She would occasionally glance up and scan the store for her target before returning to her reading. Sometimes, y/n would skip looking out into the empty store and look at the clock. Near the last few hours of her shift, she would spend it staring at the clock.

Y/n stretched out her back and legs as she walked back to the location Kurogiri would often pick her up. She sat down by the building's edge as she waited for the black fog to manifest.

"I'm home," y/n mumbled, passing through to the other side of the portal.

Kurogiri stopped y/n. "Good evening, did you find him?" Y/n merely shook her head and walked past the villain.

She gave Tomura a weak smile as she walked by him. Feeling tired, y/n went straight to the bedroom. She faceplanted onto the bed and buried her face in her pillow. Almost instantaneously, she fell asleep.

The alarm went off. Y/n felt like she hadn't even slept. She tried to pull herself to the edge of the bed. However, she found herself struggling. It soon became apparent why she was having a hard time getting out of bed as she woke up. Y/n felt Tomura's firm grip around her waist. 

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