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Y/n abruptly let go of Shigaraki's thumb. "Sorry," she mumbled, her face flushed a deep red.

"I don't care," he responded as he walked back to the couch. He pulled out his handheld and continued his game.

Y/n trailed behind him and picked up the book in her hands. She reminded herself to play along with Shigaraki for now. Y/n was safe as long as Shigaraki had a purpose for her. All she needed to do was stay in line and not get on his nerves. Then, when she had a chance to escape, she'd find a hero or police officer.

"Uhm," she began in a quiet voice, not sure how to continue her thought. "Do you still want to keep reading this?" she asked. Y/n noticed Shigaraki was looking at the pages earlier, so she readjusted how she was holding the book so he could read along.

Shigaraki glanced over to y/n from the corner of his eye and back down at his game. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied.

Y/n held the book to her chest. "I'm sorry. I guess I was mistaken." She was certain Shigaraki was reading over her shoulder. She didn't want to press Shigaraki on it further, just in case she ended up accidentally irritating him.

Y/n glanced at the bed in the corner. Shigaraki said that's where she'll be sleeping for now. Y/n wasn't sure how she felt about sleeping in Shigaraki's bed. The thought of it made her feel awkward. She put those feelings off to the side and reluctantly approached the mattress.

She hesitated before sitting down on the mattress. Y/n placed the book down in front of her and held one of Shigaraki's pillows in her arms. Carefully, y/n opened the book, trying her best to avoid accidentally ripping out pages. She cuddled Shigaraki's pillow in her arms as she silently read.

In truth, y/n was trying to force herself to stay awake. Y/n didn't trust sleeping in the same room as Shigaraki while he was awake. What if he decides to kill me in my sleep? Y/n was confident she could wake up before Shigaraki. She just needed to stay up longer than him. Stay awake, stay awake, she chanted to herself over and over while she forced herself to remain conscious.

Shigaraki readjusted himself, the mattress was behind the couch so he could no longer see y/n. He laid down on his stomach and rested his head on the sofa's armrest. From that position, he could now see y/n in his peripherals. Just like before, during the cutscenes and loading screen, he would glance over to her.

In the corner of his eye, Shigaraki could see y/n yawn. He watched as she curled forward and rested her head on his pillow while she read. Shigaraki noticed she nuzzled her cheek against his pillow, it looked like she was seconds from toppling over and falling asleep.

"Why don't you go to bed if you're tired?" Shigaraki finally asked after watching y/n battle to keep herself awake.

Y/n looked up at Shigaraki and sat up straight. "I-I... uhm," she stuttered. It seemed like Shigaraki's question have her a boost of energy.

Shigaraki rolled onto his back. "I was just making a suggestion. Calm down."

Shigaraki hadn't noticed y/n fell asleep until hours later. He looked over to the girl in his bed, and mindlessly watched her sleep for a while. Shigaraki stood up and approached her.

With a solid, four-fingered grip, he took the blanket and covered y/n. The last thing we need is you catching a cold before your first recruitment run. You need experience to level up, he thought to himself. Shigaraki observed her sleeping face. He noted that she looked different when she sleeps. She doesn't look as stressed.

Shigaraki sat down next to the mattress and watched her like a hawk. While he did so, he thought about tomorrow night. He wondered if y/n will be okay with his patchwork comrade, Dabi. Shigaraki knew Dabi was not prepared for how skittish y/n is.

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