Sink or Swim

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Every so often, the villain would look over to y/n and observe her. At first, he did it out of curiosity. He was interested in watching his little seedling grow. But now it felt involuntary as if he couldn't control himself. Tomura didn't like that, but he found himself staring at y/n quite a bit without realizing it. He was never sure why that was, it was merely a habit he developed months ago, and he wasn't able to shake it off.

While y/n slept was the best time to catch glimpses of her, y/n looked more serene like she wasn't plagued by far and stress. Tomura had fewer chances of getting caught by y/n. She seemed to have a sixth sense about that sort of thing. Kurogiri has warned Tomura several times before to stop staring at her, informing the young villain leader that it was rude. Tomura couldn't help it, or rather, he couldn't control it.

Tomura didn't go into any detail as to what y/n's next assignment was going to be. She was in a terrible mood, and he had just barely managed to calm her down at the factory, he didn't want to ruin her day any more today. However, he knew she wasn't going to like what he had planned for her. Undoubtedly, she will get upset yet again.

Patiently, he waited for the perfect moment to bring up her next task. Tomura noticed y/n was too shaken up. The villain went over scenarios in his head, trying to decide how he was going to ease y/n's anxieties. Against his better judgment, he determined that y/n didn't need to complete the mission he had in mind. It was easier to keep y/n at the base.

Y/n went to bed early that night. Exhausted from her most recent breakdown, she had fallen asleep long before Kurogiri returned. Tomura noticed Kurogiri looking towards y/n and then over to his leader. "I guess she fell asleep," Tomura shrugged.

He heard Kurogiri let out an exasperated sigh. Tomura supposed he would be upset for being dictated around for nothing. The blue-haired villain watched Kurogiri put away the ice cream and other small knick-knacks he had collected while he was out. The shadowy villain turned to his leader. "Tomura Shigaraki, could we take some time to discuss y/n?"

"About what?" Tomura asked. Father covering his face hid a confused expression.

Kurogiri crossed his arms and faced his leader. Tomura was all too familiar with that stance. That typically meant he was going to share an opinion that would end up testing Tomura's temper. "I worry that Miss y/n is becoming too dependant on you. It doesn't help that you're coddling her and have yet to teach her anything of use."

"I'm getting to that," Tomura snapped. He caught himself raising his voice. The villain would love to yell at Kurogiri. If his yelling woke up y/n, Kurogiri would undoubtedly stop the conversation right then and now. Regardless of his feelings on the subject, Tomura took a moment to calm down his nerves. "There hasn't been a good time to teach her anything," he continued in a much quieter tone.

"She's been here for half a year, and we still can't trust her to do simple tasks. It's getting ridiculous," Kurogiri shot back. The shadow-like villain paused for a minute, his yellow eyes flickered in Tomura's direction. "While I commend you for allowing Miss y/n to learn from Twice, she still needs so much more than what you're offering her."

"She can be trusted to do simple jobs," Tomura argued, his eyes narrowed in defiance. Tomura grumbled, he was well aware of what Kurogiri was doing. His comrade often tried to dial back the conversation whenever he felt Tomura's temperament was growing out of control by ending his objections with a compliment. Tomura wasn't going to let that slide this time. Even though Kurogiri was his adviser, Tomura still didn't like his decisions being put into question.

Tomura noticed Kurogiri was standing his ground this time around. The villain gritted his teeth. He hated it when Kurogiri was like this. Tomura knew his comrade will undeniably pester him all day and night until he caves in and does what Kurogiri asks.

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