Target Aquired

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As the days went on, it seemed like everyone in The League was beginning to warm up to Tomura's plan. As Tomura fleshed out what they should do next, the more comfortable everyone seemed with the idea of risking everything for it.

However, as Tomura plotted, the gravity of the plan sunk in, and it became overwhelming. Everyone in The League had their own methods of coping with the stress. Kurogiri was drinking a lot more than usual and staying alone in his room. Dabi and Himiko lived on as they usually did, acting as if nothing had changed. Twice, Spinner and Compress have become much more quiet, choosing to stay home and mentally prepare.

Tomura, on the other hand, was overindulging. The villain was taking his hobbies in excess. He was sleeping in even more often than he already did. His videogame sessions were hours longer than what they used to be. Much to y/n's pleasure, he was also a bit more affectionate. That was when y/n realized how much his own masterplan was taking a toll on him.

Y/n wanted to spend her time with Tomura first and foremost. However, she also wanted to help Giran out. He had finally gotten his new office and was now in the process of slowly moving his clutter. He refused to relay information on his location until the move was complete. Y/n thought to help him move boxes and check the office out in person. Her obligations to The League stopped her.

She still had a job to see to the end. Y/n needed to keep an eye out for Mr. Soga. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't just lay in bed and watch Tomura play videogames all day. Her responsibilities to The League took priority above everything else.

Her directions were simple. Message Kurogiri as soon as Mr. Soga stepped foot in the bookstore. The shadow-like villain would then deploy Compress to snatch him up. Once y/n got a message from Kurogiri, she was free to do as she wished.

Y/n hated that. Obviously, she'd want to go home, but y/n worried that it would be too suspicious if she quit out of nowhere shortly after Mr. Soga was captured. Y/n knew she needed an alibi, and being at the bookstore was hers.

Y/n looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She leaned forward against the sink counter as she took a closer look at her face. A dull pain surged out as soon as she touched the cold surface. "Ack." Y/n took a step back and lifted her shirt a little. She spotted a small bruise that ran along her hip.

Suspicious, y/n checked the other side and found a matching bruise. Y/n's face reddened immediately, confirming that her hunch was correct. "Oh, Tomura," she mumbled under her breath. When Tomura is most affectionate and requests more intimate moments, he would often hold her hips in that general area. Y/n figured those were bruises left behind from Tomura's rather secure grip on her.

She lowered her shirt, thankful that this time he's left bruises in a much less noticeable spot. Y/n refrained from leaning on the counter as she finished up getting ready to go to the bookstore.

The door slowly swung open. "I'm in here," y/n instinctively called out. Y/n had a bad habit of never locking the bathroom door when she's putting on makeup or fixing her hair. Rather than learning to lock the door, y/n opted to announce her presence in the room.

"And that's why I'm coming in," a harsh voice replied. Y/n gave Tomura a warm smile as she saw him come in through the mirror's reflection.

The sleepy look on his face and bedhead made the blue-haired villain seem much more tired than he probably way. "Came to say goodbye?" y/n asked.

Tomura yawned as he wrapped his arms around y/n from behind. He cuddled his cheek in her neck. She chewed on her lip as Tomura's thumbs pressed into her hips right where the bruises were. The dull pain evolved into a stinging sensation. She endured it, not wanting Tomura to let go of her just yet.

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