Sleight of Hand

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Y/n pulled her legs closer to her and rested her forearms on her knees. Her eyes were glued to the phone in her hands. Y/n had long run out of books to read and now spent quite a bit of her time vacantly staring at her phone. Some days, she'd read the news on any hero who was deemed worthy enough to have an article written about them. Other days, she'd dabble in mobile games.

Y/n let out a yawn as she beat her current high score. She looked off to the side and petted her Nomu. Under her fingertips, she could feel the monster's bone sheltered by its frail skin. She's gotten used to the beast and considered Nobuo to be something like a family dog. However, she didn't think she'd ever get used to touching the monster. Something about feeling every bone and ligament under his skin was unsettling. The Nomu never leaves her side when she's at the hideout. He was a physical reminder of how far away she was from her goals.

Y/n threw her head back and sighed silently. Her search for the Nomu Factory has been coming up empty-handed. Y/n was nearly positive that the only one who knew exactly where the factory is located was Kurogiri. That was a problem; Kurogiri would be difficult to fool.

Lately, since y/n learned that Aya spoke up against her, she found herself questioning whether or not there even was a reason to keep searching for the factory. She was affiliated with The League of Villains, forcefully or not. Undoubtedly, they were the suspects for IronStrike's abrupt disappearance. Y/n also had to consider the not so legal things she has done. Both outside and inside The League. Escaping The League and giving important information might not be enough to abolish all the wrong she has done.

Y/n kept her eyes on the ceiling above. She decided that she didn't need to be so gloomy, y/n reminded herself that she had reasons to be happy and that y/n had things to look forward to now. They were moving tomorrow, y/n was excited to bid goodbye to this old duplex and say hello to a new home.

Y/n had only the vaguest idea of what the living arrangements would be like when they move. She figured it would be just like it is now, except y/n will have a room all to herself.

Sharing the same room as Tomura was awful, but she'd like to enjoy a little bit of privacy. Y/n recalled how she often caught Tomura's eyes on her in secret. While y/n was never bothered by it, she did find it a little intrusive. The saddened look on y/n's face deepened as she reminded herself that she and Tomura haven't spoken to or barely acknowledged each other in a little over a month.

Kurogiri exited his room and turned in her direction. "Miss y/n, " the shadow-like villain began; "I know that you must be excited about the new hideout. However, I have something for you to do. Tomura Shigaraki and I will be setting things up while you are out."

Y/n's heart sank; she had a plan for her new room and wanted to set it up herself. Although Kurogiri was much more level headed than most members in The League, she knew it was still unwise to argue with him. "Okay, " she mumbled, giving into Kurogiri's request.

Kurogiri opened up a portal for y/n. "Go along now, we'll see you in a little bit." Reluctantly, y/n walked through the villain's warp gate. She glanced over to Tomura as she left, to see if he was silently saying goodbye. Tomura wasn't even looking in her direction as she left. Y/n ground her teeth, trying to hold back any hints of feeling upset.

Y/n found herself in a little house. It was nicely decorated in light colors, and everything was neat and meticulously placed. It appeared that everything in the room had a proper spot. The room seemed like it was pulled right out of a magazine; it didn't seem real.

She wandered around the room and looked over everything inside. A display case filled with porcelain dolls caught her eye. Y/n admired them from across the room. Some of the figures were little girls; others were boys. A few of them were dressed in yukata while others were dressed in frilly clothes that seemed much more western.

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