Supply Run

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Y/n placed the little notebook in front of her as she sat on her bed. The book was flipped open to the first page. She stared at the blank paper in front of her. Tomura gave her the book to write her thoughts down, y/n wasn't sure where to start.

She vacantly chewed on the pen cap and gave it some thought. Y/n wanted the first page to be something that'll impress Tomura. After spending more time than she'd like to admit, y/n decided to rewrite details she had already gone over with Tomura. 

Y/n wrote about all the horrific things she saw while scouting — all the dead bodies and terrible things done by the civilians. At the bottom of her long-winded rant, y/n wrote in big, bold letters: why didn't they protect themselves?

That was the big question on y/n's mind. Superhuman society had specific rules in place that stopped everyday, ordinary people from using their quirks whenever they want to. The Nomu Attack was eye-opening. She didn't realize how in life or death situations, people would continue to follow those rules in place. In times of an emergency, they'll still wait for a hero to show up.

Y/n knew what she wanted to write under the question. She placed her pen down and tried to think back a year and a half ago before she met Tomura. She wondered if she would have done the same. Her pen stayed still as she thought about it. A black puddle began to form. Y/n found that she wasn't sure.

She'd like to believe that if she had the means to use her quirk in a life or death situation, she would. It was the most logical thing to do. However, she thought back to when Tomura and her first met. That, too, was a life and death situation, and she did not use her quirk on Tomura.

Her stomach felt like it was twisting up into knots as she realized she most likely wouldn't have used her quirk to protect herself. The sudden realization made y/n feel sick, as well as disappointed in herself. Y/n found herself feeling a bit confused, as well.

Y/n had the answer to her question. Because the law says so. She couldn't decide if Tomura's ideals were rubbing off on her or if she's always felt this way deep down inside. Y/n chose to leave the rest of the page as is. The ink puddle had grown considerably since she began thinking about the answer to her own question.

She placed the journal on her nightstand and looked out towards the window. The sky seemed calm, and everything was peaceful. It was a strange feeling, seeing serenity outside her house while knowing that she helped cause a disaster that was undoubtedly getting cleared up at this very moment.

Y/n got out of bed and walked to the living room. Tomura was still wide awake, she wasn't sure if he slept at all since he got back from the Nomu Attack. She glanced over to the TV. He was watching a news report on the situation. Y/n approached the couch and sat on the armrest, interested in what the news had to say.

The city was still in shambles. Heroes with water-type quirks were working with the fire departments to help extinguish the flames. The images on the screen flashed to several heroes with Nomu wrangled up. Y/n watched as they led the monsters away. Y/n began to think about her Nomu.

She wondered if he was okay. He didn't come home with Kurogiri and Tomura, so it was safe to assume that Nobuo was left behind. Y/n's mind wandered to the last place she had seen the monster. A hero was trying to capture her, so y/n sent her Nomu to distract him while she made her escape.

Y/n wondered if Nobuo killed the hero. She thought about the possibility that the hero was the victorious one. Y/n felt a tinge of worry for her Nomu. If the hero succeeded, y/n was sure that Nobuo was either killed or captured by this point.

"What?" Tomura asked, his voice brought y/n out of her head and into the present. Y/n gave Tomura a confused look. "You sighed," he clarified.

Y/n didn't recall sighing. She was a bit distracted by the news on TV and thinking about her Nomu's fate. Y/n spoke what was on her mind. "Oh, I was just thinking about Nobuo. He never came back with me."

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