Welcome to the League of Villains

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Shigaraki had been walking, protected by the dark embrace of the night for several hours. Days before leaving y/n's house, he borrowed her computer to look at all the nearby towns and cities for any known villain safe-houses.

A city by the name of Ogura had caught his attention. At the time, the name sounded familiar to Shigaraki, but he couldn't quite put the finger on where he had heard that name before. Researching the city further, he learned that a friend of The League's broker was stationed in Ogura.

Studying the terrain, Shigaraki found the safest way to travel. The journey would take him an extra day, but it would keep him undetected.

A gust of wind brushed up against the blue-haired villain. Shigaraki scowled, the worst thing about traveling at night was the cold weather. Before taking his journey out to Ogura, he had requested or instead demanded in y/n's eyes, that she buy him a coat of sorts. Something to keep him somewhat warm but, more importantly, something to help conceal his identity. He is a wanted criminal, after all.

Shigaraki also needed water and food. He knew he wouldn't make it to Ogura in one night. This trip was going to take several nights, and he refused to go hungry if he didn't need to.

Shigaraki kept going the path he'd planned out. Eventually, the sun had risen, and he had to find shelter for the day. He found a small bridge that went over a river. It wasn't ideal, but he figured no one would see him there.

He made his way down to the bridge and sat down by the riverside. Unzipping the coat y/n had bought him, he reached for a water bottle tucked away in an inner pocket. Shigaraki took a swig of water and placed the bottle back. He knew he had to be careful with his water consumption. It was more important that he had enough water rather than food.

Shigaraki looked at the inner pocket that held the food items y/n had packed for him. For some odd reason, he didn't have an appetite. Shigaraki decided it was best to rest if he wasn't hungry. He rested his head on his arms and closed his eyes for the day.

Several hours later, he woke up in the same hunched over position. "This sucks," Shigaraki grumbled to himself regarding all the traveling on foot. Kurogiri was his most crucial comrade for a reason. If he needed to go anywhere, he didn't need to spend hours or days walking to get there.

Shigaraki found that he still wasn't in the mood to eat, regardless he reopened the coat to grab something anyway. "Eh?" The blue-haired villain dug in one of the other inner pockets and pulled out something small wrapped in a colorful decorative paper and tied together with an equally bright ribbon.

The villain didn't know what was in the small package, but he was going to go through it first. There's no way in hell I'm going be seen with something so girly. He unwrapped the package and found that there were some small cookies and a note from y/n inside.

Shigaraki read the note. I had some leftover cookies, so I packed you a few to take. Hopefully, they don't break, sorry if they do! Love, y/n.

He noticed she signed off the note with love and doodled a little heart next to it. Shigaraki thought that was awfully out of character for y/n.

The blue-haired villain looked at the cookies and wrapped them back up, placing the cookies and note back into his coat. He didn't want to eat. Pressing his palm onto his chest, he took a deep breath. On top of his sudden loss of appetite, he felt like he was catching a cold.

Nightfall eventually came, and Shigaraki headed out once more. His night was very similar to the night before. It was, for the most part, uneventful. It's probably best that nothing out of the ordinary happens. 

As he walked, he dug through his coat pockets and pulled out the cookies. Looking at them once more, he didn't want them. As he placed the cookies away, y/n's note slipped out of the coat. Shigaraki picked it up and stored it back in his pocket. He coughed and cleared his throat. The weird cold symptom he'd felt the day before came back. Soon enough, the sun had begun to rise. Shigaraki yawned and closed his eyes for the day.

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