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Y/n's fingers lightly touched the end table. Eyes still closed, she blindly searched for her phone. Her hand bumped into something, and she heard it slide across the end table. Reaching out, she grabbed onto her phone and looked at it. "Aw, I'm late," y/n said as she immediately sat up.

The feeling of something gritty clinging onto her skin caught her attention. Y/n looked at her arm and peeled off a chunk of grey dust clumped together. She sat for a moment and continued poking at the debris. Behind her, y/n felt the bed move. A cold hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her back.

Y/n's back was pressed against Tomura's chest, his legs poked out from both sides. She leaned back and rested her head on Tomura's collarbone. "If you're late, then why not stay here?" The blue-haired villain curled forward and bit down on her shoulder.

"Because I already skipped out yesterday," y/n replied. Across the room, y/n could see their reflection in the mirror. Y/n watched Tomura nibble on her skin, and his hands travel along her body. She could see her face redden, watching the sight unfold in front of her, but she couldn't look away. The villain lifted his head, and it soon became apparent that he was also watching the mirror.

Seeing Tomura's sharp eyes reflected in the mirror made y/n feel flushed. The sound of Tomura's raspy chuckle close to her ear was beginning to make y/n flustered. A wide smile crossed the villain's lips. He moved his head close to y/n's neck. "You probably missed him if he showed up today anyway."

Y/n sighed. She wanted to stay, but y/n knew she couldn't. "Tomura," she muttered quietly. Y/n reached behind her and ran her fingers through his hair. Her touch ran along his jawline and rested under his chin. "I can't."

She watched as his eyes narrowed. "Fine," he growled. Y/n felt his grip slip from her skin. She could see a small tinge of disappointment in his eyes.

Y/n hated seeing that look in his eyes. She knew he would be even happier having his goals pushed forward. Y/n had to force her desire to stay with Tomura in the back of her mind. Instead, she kept reminding herself that Tomura will be much happier later.

She stood up to her feet. Y/n wrapped a towel around her body. Before leaving the bedroom, she turned to the blue-haired villain. "Can you do me a favor?" Tomura looked at her with an unsure expression on his face. "While I'm gone, can you move the bed back?" Y/n noticed the headboard, which was typically pressed up against the wall, was now several inches away.

Y/n grabbed a fresh set of clothes and closed the bedroom door behind her. She took a quick shower, trying to remove as much of the debris from her skin and hair as she could. Y/n watched as the clear water turned grey as clumped ash mixed with it. She dressed up even faster than her shower, noting that she was already far too late.

Y/n knocked on Kurogiri's bedroom door. She tapped her foot while she anxiously waited. The shadow-like villain didn't answer nearly as fast as he usually did. This is the worst day to oversleep, Kurogiri, y/n thought to herself, not daring to let those thoughts escape her lips.

Finally, the shadow-like villain opened his door. He looked down at y/n. "Hey, I'm running late, send me closer to the bookstore today." Kurogiri was unusually silent. In the corner of her eye, y/n saw a black portal open up. She spun around and rushed through the warp gate.

Y/n hurried out of the alley and rushed into the sidewalk. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked around. This street didn't look familiar at all, and y/n didn't recognize the stores. It hit y/n that she's never been here before.

Y/n stepped out of the way from an oncoming group walking down the sidewalk. She pulled out her phone and paced as she waited for Kurogiri to pick up. "Hello?"

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now