A Different Kind of Practice

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Y/n did as she promised and stayed with Tomura and watched him play. The villain had specific games he'd play in y/n's company. They were all heavy with plot and all sorts of lore. While Tomura enjoyed those types of videogames, he found they were made better by having someone to discuss the intricate part of the plot.

The two sat down on the couch next to each other. Y/n rested her head on his arm and tucked her knees close to her chest as Tomura played. After a while, y/n let out an audible yawn and stretched her arms out in front of herself. She told Tomura she was about ready to go to bed. Tomura felt the warmth along his arm disperse as y/n stood up and walked away. Now that he was alone, Tomura suddenly didn't feel like playing anymore.

Unsure what to do next, he realized his only options were to follow y/n or speak with Kurogiri. Tomura spotted y/n sitting in bed, writing in her journal as he walked by the open bedroom door. He guessed she was dissecting her day training with him. Tomura was interested in what she had to say. The villain used his day with y/n to figure out where he should place her for his latest plan. After seeing y/n in action, he was still undecided.

She's been working hard, even a blind man could see she's been giving her all. Even so, Tomura wasn't confident her best was good enough. Not for what he had planned next.

Tomura wasn't worried about it. Y/n was never one to jump on board with his plans. Tomura was confident that she'd willingly agree to skip out this time around.

Hours later, Tomura saw y/n fast asleep in bed. He took the opportunity to take her journal and take a look at it. Tomura sat down at the kitchen table and cracked her book open.

As he guessed, y/n took detailed notes on where she felt she could have done better. He saw she had a page dedicated to how she underestimated Tomura. A grin crossed his lips as he read about how he impressed her.

The next page was filled with possible scenarios about how things could have gone differently had she brought smoke bombs with her. Tomura chuckled lightly at this section. He was confident y/n would have lost no matter what she did or didn't do.

On the final page for the night, Tomura saw a short list of things she deemed an appropriate prize for winning. Tomura then remembered that y/n pushed the hypothetical reward onto him. He only brought it up as a way to motivate y/n, he knew she wasn't going to win, so Tomura said whatever he needed to say.

Y/n insisted that he should receive something for winning, the villain looked over her list for inspiration. On top of her list was another kiss. Tomura shifted uncomfortably. The villain thought he was good at a lot of things, but giving kisses was not one it those things. He let out a small, pained groan as he thought back to the kiss he initiated compared to hers.

Her kiss was longer compared to his, which was less than a second. Y/n also moved in for it much more naturally. At the same time, Tomura had to stop and consider the proper angle before attempting his kiss. He then remembered eavesdropping on y/n and Himiko, y/n has kissed someone before. It made sense that she'd be better at it. The realization made Tomura's jealousy flare, and his stomach knot up. He recalled y/n had called him Hinata. Tomura wondered if that name was enough for Giran to find him. Tomura didn't feel comfortable knowing he was still alive.

Tomura, unable to put his feelings aside, continued reading. The next bullet point read: go outside. Tomura scoffed. "We just did that." Underneath, y/n listed possible places to go. A park, the mall, a coffee shop. The list went on for a moment. "Too public," Tomura mumbled.

The villain closed the journal, deciding that he had enough reading for the day. He pushed the book off to the side and pulled out his phone. Tomura scanned through his contacts and stopped at Giran's name. He had a few quick orders to attend to before bed.

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