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Tomura laid down on the couch and let Kurogiri work in peace. He impatiently tapped on his throat with his middle finger. He wasn't quite at the point where he felt like his neck is burning, but he kept his hand close in case the sensation arose. The villain would occasionally glance towards the hallway, expecting Kurogiri to come back with some news.

Today isn't the first time y/n has gotten herself hurt, Tomura was sure this wouldn't be the last. It made sense. Y/n has no formal training of any sort. He had picked out an ordinary person off the streets and flung her into the world of villains. Tomura knew not to expect her to ever be a fighter. 

Y/n was closer to the frontlines than he initially intended. Y/n was meant to be a scout for The League. She was supposed to act like a civilian and use her hero friend to leak information to The League. When Tomura felt like y/n used up her usefulness, she was supposed to begin using her quirk to collect Nomu candidates for him. Tomura expected her to die before The Nomu Project was completed. 

Tomura wondered when his plans for her changed. He supposed it was when she tried to ask for help. His entire plan unraveled that day. He had to keep y/n close from that point on. Y/n couldn't be trusted. He learned that y/n was too challenging to keep around. Her attachment to people was holding her back, so he decided to allow her to recruit earlier than expected. If she died on the job, that wasn't his problem. If anything, it solves a problem.

Yet, here she was. Injured, but alive. This time, her injuries were much more severe. Y/n was fighting to keep herself going. Tomura supposed that useless attachment saved her life. Y/n never removes her locket, and she still hasn't realized there's a tracking device inside. There was no way he could have found her in time, if not for the little tracker. 

The villain acknowledged that he didn't want her to die. Y/n had exceeded his expectations and earned her spot in The League of Villains. She still had her uses. Once again, he found that y/n unintentionally changed his plans. He decided sending her out should be a risk, not a death sentence, now he had yet another problem to solve. 

All in all, the most frustrating thing about this situation was that he had no idea who injured y/n. Tomura couldn't figure out why anyone would have attacked her. Only one thought came to mind: because she was part of The League of Villains. He fully intended to find out details about her attacker the moment y/n woke up. All he needed was a name.

Feeling impatient, Tomura stood up and found himself wandering to y/n's room. Kurogiri was hovering over her with the first aid kit off to the side. Tomura observed y/n's unconscious body squirm as Kurogiri applied a disinfectant to the gash on her stomach. Her brows were knitted together, and he heard her let out a pained groan.

Strangely, Tomura hadn't noticed the wound on her abdomen until Kurogiri said something about it. The first injury he saw was her split bottom lip. The cut seemed so minuscule compared to the gash, the broken arm, and the head wound. Yet, her face was the first thing he asked Kurogiri to fix.

Tomura crouched down beside the doorframe and watched Kurogiri finish patching her stomach wound. The blue-haired villain stood up and approached his advisor.

"I will apply medication to her face later. It is not the priority," Kurogiri said before Tomura could open his mouth. Tomura growled, he wasn't going to bring up her lip. Silently, he watched Kurogiri apply a makeshift splint to y/n's arm. After that, he attempted to wake y/n up for a moment to check her eyes and see if her concussion symptoms worsened since the last time y/n woke up.

According to Kurogiri, her eyes were still okay. Her words were slurred, making it difficult for Kurogiri to get y/n to answer basic questions. Y/n also had a hard time staying awake longer than a few seconds at a time. "Muh," y/n began to say in her unfocused state. The latter half of her words were too incoherent to understand.

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