Girls' Night

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Y/n opened the fridge's sleek metallic door and peered inside. "What can I cook with this?" y/n hummed as she glossed over the contents in the fridge. The fridge was nearly barren. Y/n recalled seeing more herbs on display in the spice rack than actual food in the refrigerator.

Y/n saw a notable amount of alcohol in a drawer near the bottom. It made her stop and wonder who it belonged to. In the time she's been with Tomura and Kurogiri, y/n has never seen either man drink. She reached down and observed a can. It was a cheap, off-brand beer. "Tomura, maybe?" she asked herself as she placed the beer can where she found it.

Her eyes looked back up to the rest of the items inside: expired milk, a carton of eggs, some sliced cheeses, and a bottle of hot sauce. Y/n tilted her head as she glanced over everything. "I guess they're still eating takeout every day," y/n mumbled to herself. Y/n felt disappointed; she wanted to cook the boys something for breakfast, but they didn't have any ingredients.

"Hello, miss y/n," a voice said from behind her. Y/n jumped and quickly turned around, with her hands covering her mouth. 

"Good morning, Kurogiri," y/n replied, her words muffled by her hands still over her mouth. "You scared me."

"My apologies," he returned. Y/n seriously doubted that he was genuinely sorry. She knew he wouldn't just warp up behind her if he was trying to be considerate to y/n. 

Her e/c eyes met Kurogiri's. She knew he wanted something. Y/n couldn't help but wonder if Kurogiri overheard her talking with Tomura the night before. Part of her hoped so, y/n decided she was going to put an end to Tomura sneaking around Kurogiri. Tomura was supposed to be the leader around here; she didn't understand why Kurogiri was trying to act like he was in charge.

"We have a hundred Nomu, "Kurogiri announced; "we only need fifty more. Then, we can move on to the next step."

Y/n wanted to know more. She knew The League was making Nomu, but she didn't know what the plan was beyond that. "Which is?" y/n asked, trying to coax Kurogiri to give her more info.

"In due time, miss y/n," he replied. Translation, it's not my job to say. That wasn't what she wanted to hear. "For now, could you accompany miss Toga today? I want to start you off early. She can get easily distracted, so I'd like you to keep her on track."

Y/n didn't want to go. Not so early in the day. Y/n woke up to the pile of games she left on her nightstand gone, and she wanted to ask Tomura how he liked his new games. Of course, y/n wouldn't dream of telling Kurogiri that excuse. She sighed and headed for her room. "Let me get ready."

Y/n got herself ready in her room. She placed her new utility belt around her hips underneath the hoodie. Tomura's old hoodie wore big on her. It covered the belt well, a little too well. Y/n realized she couldn't access any of the compartments easily. She shrugged it off. It's not like I'll be using that knife anyway.

Y/n ran her fingers along the belt and noticed an odd clip. She lifted the hoodie and held the fabric between her teeth as she took a look at the clip. It was a spot designed to keep her Voicebox. Y/n attached the tiny speaker to her belt and released the hoodie from her teeth's grip.

The mask was the last thing left. Y/n was unsure if she should wear it or not. After giving it some thought, y/n shoved the metal face mask in her hoodie pocket.

"I'm ready," y/n announced as she approached Kurogiri. Y/n glanced over her shoulder and saw Tomura still fast asleep on the couch before being engulfed in darkness.

Before the darkness subsided and y/n regained her vision, she felt something wrap around her abdomen tightly, like a snake coiling around its prey.

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