❗People Watching

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"I-I don't know much about them," y/n admitted in a quiet tone. The smile on Tomura's face disappeared. "All I have are their names and a picture right now. I-I'm working on getting more info, I just need a little more time."

Y/n hated seeing the disappointed look on Tomura's face. She could tell that he was excited to start working on the plan. Y/n felt awful bringing up his hopes, just to inform him that the huge step forward wasn't as big as he thought.

"I promise I'll have something for you real soon," y/n said in a sweet tone, trying to cheer up the villain.

"Soon isn't fast enough," Tomura mumbled.

Y/n didn't understand why this was so important to Tomura. In fact, no one in The League quite understood what he was trying to achieve. She thought about everything she's heard from the time Tomura announced his plan to now.

"Shouldn't we take our time and be careful? This is dangerous." Y/n tried her best to use a gentle tone of voice with Tomura. She knew even the slightest hint of aggression could set him off. She paused and thought. "Is it because you want All for One out?"

"This has nothing to do with him. I don't plan to break him out. I'm not stupid. It's inconceivable." Y/n noticed something was off with Tomura's voice. What he had just said sounded strange to y/n.

It suddenly hit y/n why Tomura seemed so upset whenever The League brought up Stain. Y/n realized Tomura most likely wanted his old master out, but he had to come to terms with the fact that it was impossible. There's no way one of, if not the most, dangerous villains to ever live would be under lax enough security for Tomura to even come into the same room. Y/n assumed the feeling must be disheartening for Tomura.

Y/n took a moment to pause and think. She leaned close to Tomura. Y/n felt her shoulder lightly bump against Tomura's chest as she fumbled with the files in his hand. She stopped at the paper with the older man's information and held up the document. "This one is going to be my target."

"Why?" Tomura asked. Y/n wasn't sure if he was genuinely curious or if this was some sort of test.

"He just..." y/n's voice trailed off as she thought about it. "He seems like he'd be more vulnerable. If I spoke to him face to face that is." Y/n studied Tomura's face for a reaction. She realized that his question was indeed a test. She cleared her throat and continued. "He's older, so there's a lot that could be exploited. I'm sure something more specific will come up in my research. Who knows, he might have a gambling problem or some family troubles I could play with."

Y/n noticed Tomura hadn't moved or said anything since she began clarifying herself. Tomura just sat quietly and listened to her talk. "Uhm," y/n began as she tried to think of what to say next.

Suddenly, she felt three cold fingers touch her cheek. Tomura's fingers ran down to her jawline and followed until they were under her chin.

"It sounds like you've thought this through." Tomura's usually cold voice seemed softer for a moment, and y/n's heart couldn't help but flutter. For a split second, y/n felt like Tomura was genuinely proud of her.

Feeling flustered, y/n's mind was drawing a blank. "I-I, uh," she stammered. Tomura's eyes remained on her, she could feel herself growing more embarrassed that Tomura could cause her to flounder so horrifically like this. "I didn't really put that much thought into it," y/n said, as if disagreeing with Tomura would undo this spell he had put on her.

Her heart still felt like it was moments from exploding, even though she knew Tomura didn't mean to make her react this way. This was an accident at best. He was merely imitating things y/n has done to him. Everything from how she lightly ran her fingertips along his skin to the more delicate tone of voice she uses to calm him down.

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now