Hideout Hunting

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Y/n was hard at work in Giran's office. She rested her head on the armrest, glossing over the record in her hand. Once she reached the bottom of the file, y/n placed aside the document. She dug through a box on the floor in front of her. Y/n made eye contact with Giran as she pulled out a relatively high tech-looking gun.

"Are ya feeling alright?" he asked; "you've been gloomy these past few weeks."

"I'm fine," y/n replied, her quirk activated.

On top of finding out a close friend identified her as a member of The League of Villains, the hideout has been very lonely lately. Tomura still hasn't let up his sudden bout of silence, and Nobuo doesn't make for good conversation.

"Well, if you say so," Giran responded, entirely oblivious to how upset she honestly was. "Are you almost done with that box?"

Y/n nodded. "Yes, almost done," y/n replied, looking over the last few checkboxes of the document she was holding in her hand. Y/n picked up the box on the floor and placed it on Giran's desk with the inventory report neatly placed on top of the box.

"Good, good," Giran replied, handing y/n another small box and a sheet of paper. "I'm glad ya can keep your head in your work after learning about," he paused; "ya know, your friend."

Y/n let out a quiet hum. "Sure," y/n mumbled. She sat herself down and continued reading.

This week's task was to help Giran with his inventory check. Giran explained that he had several big orders this month, adding that he didn't have time to hunt down the supplies and make sure the shipments were correct. Y/n went down the checklist for Giran. She double and triple checked that everything matched up with his inventory report.

"So are you down to grab lunch?" he asked. Y/n was still hesitant to go outside, knowing that she might one day get stopped by a cop or hero. She reluctantly nodded and took the money from Giran's hand. "It doesn't matter where you go. You know what I like from just about everywhere." Y/n slipped on her hoodie and lifted the hood over her head. She paused and glanced back at Giran. "Isn't that Shigaraki's?"

Y/n looked down at the hoodie. "Ah, it was." She could feel Giran eyeing the hoodie.

"He makes you wear his things now?" Giran asked.

Y/n could feel her face flush. "U-uh," she anxiously stuttered; "this is... my uh, v-" y/n cut herself off. She was so used to everyone calling the hoodie part of her Villain Costume that she almost accidentally called it that herself. Y/n cleared her throat. "I wear this when Shigaraki has jobs for me."

"Shigaraki's hand-me-downs are part of your villain outfit?" he asked, sounding a little offended. "If ya needed a costume, I could have ordered ya something. Why didn't he order you a costume when he bought your mask? Don't tell me Shigaraki is a cheapskate. What kinda leader does that?"

Y/n's eyes nervously darted all around the office as the older villain went on a tangent. Giran stopped and let out a hearty chuckle. "Look at ya. Your face is all red. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you had a little crush." Giran paused for a moment before letting out an even louder laugh. "No, that's too ridiculous. I can't imagine anyone tolerating him to that extent."

The anxious expression on y/n's face remained unchanging. "Uhm... I-I," y/n's mind went blank in her panic. She was too flustered to think of a lie; she didn't know what to say.

Giran looked over at y/n. His pink eyes narrowed as he studied her body language. "No," he gasped; "you do, don't you?"

"I-I, uhm, " y/n fumbled with her hands. Y/n turned around and walked away from the awkwardness she'd found herself in.

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