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The sun shone in Tomura's face. The villain grumbled as he rolled over. "Stupid light," he muttered under his breath. The villain wasn't fully awake, but he was conscious enough to grab onto the pillow under his head and attempt to pull at it with four fingers. To no avail, it didn't budge. He opened his eyes and saw y/n sound asleep next to him, still sharing her pillow with him. 

He let go of the pillow and placed his hands off the side. Tomura was still a little surprised by her words from the night before. She's always been so forgiving. Y/n has even forgiven Tomura for a few of his missteps. Tomura was struggling to believe Malaise had done something so unforgivable to her that y/n had held a grudge.

Tomura was interested in asking y/n about it when she woke up. However, he had no idea how long that would take. Y/n took a hefty blow to the back of the head, and there was no telling how long she'd be slipping in and out of consciousness.

Since Kurogiri hadn't come in to check up on y/n yet, Tomura decided he would try his hand at administering medications and applying bandages himself. The villain recalled taking formal first aid lessons as a child. He was told he had to learn just in case a day arose where he'd have no one come to his aid. So far, that day has never happened. Because of that, Tomura found he was out of practice.

He looked over the makeshift splint Kurogiri made for y/n. He debated with himself whether or not he should send y/n to a hospital to get proper treatment. He wasn't sure if he and Kurogiri had the means to care for a broken arm.

Neither villain knew how severe her injury was. It could be as simple as needing to be set and rest for a few weeks or months or as serious as the bones in her arm being completely shattered. 

He knew the smart thing to do was to send y/n to a hospital. A question lingered in the back of his mind, causing the villain to stop and reconsider. Tomura wasn't aware if y/n had obtained a villain status yet. He didn't want to take the risk. The blue-haired villain mentally cursed Kurogiri for not being around. This was one of the few times where his input would have been appreciated. In the end, Tomura decided he would prefer to keep y/n close. 

He couldn't trust anyone else to care for her. In the grand scheme of things, he felt like he was y/n's mentor. A guide to show her how to be a proper villain. What kind of teacher would he be if he had someone else take care of his injured pupil for him? Tomura was positive she didn't need to go to a doctor, he could patch her back together with his own two hands.

Tomura reached out for the small bottle of medication he had used on the cut on her lip. He decided he should start with the small facial wound. It was the easiest thing to care for after all. 

He knelt by her bedside, so she was within eye level. Tomura dabbed a small drop of medication on her bottom lip and carefully rubbed it into her cut. He found that he was holding his breath as he touched her skin. Even with the wound, it was still soft. Tomura retracted his hand.

Tomura questioned if he should check her head. Admittedly, he had no clue what to look for when it came to head injuries. He's never had one himself. Even so, Tomura imitated what he saw Kurogiri doing the day before and checked for symptoms of her concussion worsening. 

The last thing on the list was to change out the bandage on her abdomen. Tomura reached for her shirt and lifted it just a bit so he could look at the dressing.

With careful and steady hands, he peeled away the bandages, revealing the wound underneath. He looked down at the wound and began to feel uneasy. Tomura examined the gash and wondered what Malaise did to y/n. Another thought ran through his mind. Why? Surely, y/n was unconscious when she received the wound. Tomura felt an uncomfortable sickness in the pit of his stomach as he considered the possibility that y/n was awake.

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