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As days went on, Shigaraki became more and more overbearing. He was always around. The blue-haired villain was continually adding new rules and policing everything she did. His attitude became so erratic. Soon enough, he stopped allowing y/n to talk to Kurogiri or leave the main room without Shigaraki's watchful eye on her.

She's heard Shigaraki and Kurogiri talk in the other room at night when they think she's sleeping. Every night, she'd stay awake, trying to listen to the cloaked argument in the next room. It sounded like they were discussing something about her. Occasionally, she'd hear her name echoed through the wall. To no avail, she couldn't understand anything they were saying. The walls muffled their voices too well. It was frustrating knowing that they were talking about her, but she couldn't listen in.

Shigaraki was suffocating her. Y/n was mentally and emotionally exhausted, having to deal with Shigaraki. She ran out of both self-pity and tears to shed about her current situation. Instead, she did the only thing she thought she could do and just shut down.

For a while, warm memories from her past kept her going. Birthdays, holidays, even memories that previously upset her seem to pale in comparison to what she was dealing with now. Memories that were once terrible were now laughable. Eventually, not even memories were able to keep her sanity. Y/n had then given up both emotionally and mentally. She couldn't feel anything at all. Y/n lived in a constant state of being numb.

She long gave up trying to talk any sense into Shigaraki, giving up on figuring what caused this sudden bout of aggression. Y/n thought Kurogiri might have an idea, but she was unable to talk to him. Over time, she became even more distant.

Every afternoon, y/n would be woken up by Shigaraki. He'd pull her out of bed to accompany him. She'd stay by his side, almost entirely mute. Her silence would be broken whenever Shigaraki tried to talk to her. As much as she wanted to refuse Shigaraki's company, she knew he'd kill her if she refused to answer his questions.

Shigaraki only tried to talk to y/n when he was in a good mood. Sometimes he'd ask if she was done with the book he lent her. He'd talk about specific chapters or specific characters. Interestingly enough, other days, he'd vent to y/n about whatever was on his mind. Typically, people don't vent when they're in a good mood, but Shigaraki is strange. He'd complain about some issues with other members or whatever hero annoyed him for that day.

Shigaraki seemed to dislike a lot. She thought he hated an unhealthy amount of things. Even so, she would vacantly listen to whatever came into his mind. At the same time, she silently sat with her hands folded onto her lap.

This was the only time since meeting Shigaraki where y/n has ever prayed that he would be in a bad mood. On bad days, he's much more distant. Sometimes when he dragged y/n around with him, he'd keep a tighter hold on y/n than usual. Sometimes, he wouldn't acknowledge y/n as much. Those days, he would do his own thing around the hideout and won't bother talking to y/n. She'd relish in having some peace of mind and privacy on those days.

Shigaraki was sitting at his computer doing some secondary research. The other League members were becoming restless. Shigaraki had spent so much time working on y/n over the past three weeks, and he didn't have the time to give the others something to do. Working with y/n is a delicate and time-consuming process; however, he was still the leader of The League of Villains. Shigaraki needed to keep up his leaderly duties and keep his comrades satisfied with the plan's progression.

He had woken y/n up and sat her on the couch. He sometimes glanced over his shoulder to see if she had moved or if she was reading something. This time around, y/n was still in the same huddled up posture he had left her in. She was hugging her knees to her chest and hunched forward so her head could rest on her knees. Shigaraki assumed that she must be tired and is taking a nap.

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