A Night Out

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SShigaraki kept a close eye on y/n. He had begun to rely on Kurogiri to explain y/n's moods to him. It became increasingly apparent that he didn't understand y/n as well as he should. He's tried being kind to her. Much of his acts of kindness have resulted in accidentally making her sad. He didn't understand what he was doing wrong.

For the most part, he noted that y/n seemed to have calmed down noticeably. Y/n occasionally would have her off days, just like everyone else. However, compared to her first week, she had improved significantly. She spoke up a little louder, and she didn't stutter nearly as much. Y/n spoke much more directly than she used to. Kurogiri pointed out that Shigaraki's patience seemed to be paying off.

Kurogiri gave Shigaraki a detailed description of y/n's mood every day and explained what Shigaraki could do differently. He emphasized that Shigaraki should never bring another one of y/n's friends over and kill them in front of her.

Shigaraki's eyes narrowed at his adviser. He didn't think that mess would be so traumatizing to y/n; personally, Shigaraki was having a fun time with the whole thing. Sensing that Shigaraki was starting to get a little irritated at his advice, Kurogiri offered to go pick up dinner. Shigaraki exited the room and sat down, announcing to y/n that Kurogiri was going to come back with food.

Kurogiri had come back a lot faster than y/n expected. For whatever reason, Shigaraki had begun allowing y/n to talk to Kurogiri again. She retrieved her food from the shadowy villain, and Y/n sat down on the mattress, her food placed on her lap.

As she ate, y/n would hold up her table scraps in her hand and waved it in front of Nobuo's face. Y/n placed the food down onto the floor and watched Nobuo eat it.

"Don't feed the Nomu," Shigaraki called out from the couch.

Y/n looked in front of her to see Nobuo vacantly staring at her with unblinking eyes. She shrugged and pointed towards the foot of her bed. "Go lay down," she ordered. She watched at Nobuo slowly crept to the floor at the foot of her bed.

Y/n ate quietly. Suddenly, Shigaraki spoke up. "Y/n, we're going out tomorrow evening."

"Like on a mission?" y/n asked.

Shigaraki went silent for a moment. "Something like that," he finally replied. Y/n asked where they were going, but Shigaraki stayed tight-lipped on the details. Just like always, he told her she'd find out in due time.

Y/n wasn't sure how she felt about Shigaraki keeping a secret like that. It's one thing not to tell her what his master plan was. It was another thing to say he had a mission lined up and leaving her in the dark. Regardless, y/n knew there wasn't anything she could do to change his mind.

The next day came before y/n knew it. She woke up even earlier than she usually did. She felt stressed and anxious about what Shigaraki had in mind for her. While she waited for Shigaraki to wake up, she tried to guess when was the last time she's been outside.

She could easily recall the last time she was outside the hideout. The last time she was out was when Shigaraki gave her Nobuo. She mentally tried to count the weeks.

It was hard to guess exactly how long it has been. The hideout didn't have any windows. Someone had boarded up all the windows, y/n guessed that it was most likely Shigaraki. The lack of windows made it hard to keep track of days.

After counting and recounting the days, y/n decided that she had been staying with Shigaraki for a total of two and a half months. It's been about three weeks since she was gifted the monster.

Y/n didn't know what to do. She had no way of telling how close it was to evening. She had the clock on the wall, but she wasn't so sure if it was even set to the right time. Shigaraki woke up around the same time every day. She'd know what time it was as soon as he woke up.

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