Hell on Earth

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The day to unleash The Nomu Project was drawing nearer. Tomura encouraged y/n to do as she wished if it'll help her prepare herself. Y/n had no idea what she was supposed to be preparing for. 

Y/n spent her mornings at Giran's office. Every so often, a handful of Giran's shady friends stopped by. Y/n would use that time to gather any tips and tricks that could help her. She struggled to think on her feet. They offered her some advice that she took to heart. However, y/n couldn't help but doubt that she would ever be able to use her quirk as effortlessly as everyone else.

When she wasn't at the office, y/n tried her best to practice the other skills she's learned from The League. Y/n wasn't at Compress' level when it came to sleight of hand, but there was a noticeable improvement. 

Lock picking was challenging to practice on her own without going outside. For the most part, y/n practiced around the house and attempted to unlock the handcuffs she had acquired months ago. Much to her frustration, the cuffs were tricky. Y/n decided to ask Twice if she got a chance to meet up with him before the plan.

The day finally arrived. Y/n tried to get some sleep the day before, but she couldn't. Her mind was racing, exploring all sorts of possibilities, and thinking about how things could go horribly wrong if y/n weren't careful.

Y/n sat criss-cross on her bed in the dark. She felt herself beginning to panic. She contemplated if she could ask Tomura to let her stay at the hideout while The League went through with the plan. No, he wouldn't do that.

The door opening broke Y/n's train of thought. Light from the hallway peeked in through the door and dimly filled the room. Tomura, dressed in a trench coat and hands covering his body, entered her room and closed the door behind him. He effortlessly walked in the darkness. Y/n felt her bed lower as Tomura sat down in front of her.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked. Y/n wondered if that was a hypothetical question. He had to have noticed she wasn't dressed to go anywhere with The League. Y/n quietly pointed out that detail. "Your villain costume is a hoodie, don't act like getting dressed is going to take forever. Go put it on."

Y/n stepped off the bed and fumbled about in the darkness until she found the hoodie. Y/n threw it over her head and sat back down next to Tomura. She sat motionless as she mentally urged herself to talk to him. "Tomura," she began; "I don't think I can go through with this."

"What do you mean?" Y/n couldn't tell what kind of tone he was using with her. He seemed upset; however, Tomura often sounded angry when he was fine. The room was near pitch black, and y/n couldn't see the villain's eyes. Tomura had expressive eyes. She often used them to gauge what kind of mood Tomura was truly in.

"I-I'm scared and I–" y/n was cut off by a hand ruffling her hair. Y/n was thankful that the room was so dark, Tomura couldn't see her lips quivering or her eyes beginning to water. "Tomura, I–"

Her words were once again cut off. She felt the edge of the bed lift. That could only mean Tomura stood up. Y/n felt disheartened. It hurts that Tomura was going to get up and walk away from her while she was trying to open up and voice her concerns.

Y/n bit on her inner cheek as she wallowed in sadness to herself. Suddenly, the bed lowered again. Tomura sat back down on the bed. Except for this time, he was closer. Y/n decided that there was a high chance she was going to be arrested by the end of tonight. While the thought scared her, not getting a proper goodbye from Tomura was just as terrifying.

Y/n leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Tomura's neck. She nuzzled into Tomura's hair and felt his cold skin against her cheek. Feeling the cool against her reddening face felt comforting. Y/n wasn't sure how long it was until the plan rolled into action, but y/n didn't mind staying like this for a little longer.

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