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Y/n liked going to Giran's office in the morning. It gave her something productive to do. She was instructed to continue where she left off. By the end of the day, y/n and Giran had made the office look much better. All that was left was to deal with the paperwork from all his former clients. Giran didn't go into detail when y/n asked him why these were previous clients, he simply replied that he was no longer doing business with them.

Giran pulled out a shredder and asked if y/n would start shredding the files for him. Y/n agreed and got straight to work.

As she began to shred the files, she would occasionally look over them. Sometimes a particular file would catch her eye, and she'd read them. Usually, she'd only stop for villains that were too young to be villains or ones that she might have recalled hearing about on the news.

Another type of file caught her eye, ones that listed The League of Villains as their organization. Y/n found one in a pile. She read the name and the age. "He's too young," y/n muttered under her breath. This kid, who used the codename Mustard, was even younger than Himiko when he joined The League.

Y/n glanced over to Giran, who was doing research on his computer. He wasn't paying attention to her, so she placed the file off to the side. Slowly but surely, y/n collected more and more records from former League of Villains members. Y/n grew more anxious for every file she found. Why doesn't Tomura talk about them? She asked herself.

Y/n eased her anxieties by talking to Giran. She and Giran shared some lighthearted banter. She asked a little bit about his personal life, and he answered what he felt comfortable telling y/n. For the most part, Giran was a little predictable. He didn't have a family, he was basically married to his job and never thought about settling down. Giran returned the favor by asking y/n personal questions. Just like him, she shared what she felt comfortable sharing.

By the time y/n was done, it was time to go back to the hideout. Y/n said her goodbyes to Giran and showed him the files in her hands. "I was wondering if I could keep these to show Tomu— ah, Shigaraki." Tomura didn't seem to care that y/n had begun using his first name. However, she figured he wouldn't appreciate it if anyone other than Kurogiri and Himiko knew about that.

Giran lit up another cigarette and sighed. "Normally, I wouldn't allow it, but..." he paused and looked at y/n in the eyes. "Sure. I'll make an exception just this once. They were Shigaraki's men anyway."

Y/n beamed and thanked him before heading out. She waved and repeated her goodbyes to Giran again, he did the same.

Kurogiri always picked y/n up by late afternoon. She was greeted to the sight of Nobuo nudging her with his shoulder. Y/n placed a hand on the monster, she wasn't sure what it wanted. If it's even able to want anything. This time around, she was greeted by Tomura. It seemed like he was standing in front of the portal, waiting for y/n.

Y/n noticed he was wearing his trench coat. "Are you cold?" she asked.

"We're going scouting tonight," Tomura replied; "you don't need to bring anything tonight, I'll be coming along and observing at a distance."

Y/n wanted to show him the files she collected from Giran, but Tomura seemed to be too busy. She placed the papers off to the side and took a mental note to ask about them later. "So what are we scouting?" y/n asked.

"Tell me, y/n, what is something all hero patrols have in common?" Tomura asked, ignoring y/n's question.

Y/n thought about what to say. She didn't really know what Tomura expected her to say. She isn't a hero, so why should she know the answer? Y/n hummed and gave his question some thought. Only one answer came to mind. "Patrols are routined. It's the same path every day at the same time, I think."

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