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The League was harder to find than y/n thought. Dabi was the only one with a flashy quirk. Off in the distance, y/n could see Dabi's flames erupt like mini mushroom clouds. From her vantage point, y/n guessed that he was several blocks away.

Y/n circled the roof's perimeter. She didn't expect everyone to scatter. Y/n was no longer able to see Himiko anywhere nearby, she wondered where the blonde schoolgirl ran off to. After searching the streets and coming up empty-handed, y/n considered moving elsewhere.

Y/n hesitated as she looked down the fire escape. Images of the chaos played in her mind like a movie. She wished that someone was around to tell her what to do. Y/n reminded herself that she had to keep moving. The League was no longer around, and she needed to catch up to them. Unable to fully calm her nerves, y/n slowly made get way down the fire escape.

Now safely on the ground, y/n stood still near the alleyway's entrance. She pressed her back against the brick wall of the now-abandoned apartment complex as she watched the discord on the streets up close and personal. Y/n frowned at the sight before her.

In the chaos, y/n spotted a grown man, several years older than her, running. A Nomu was close behind him. Y/n covered her mouth in horror as she witnessed the man grab onto a scared child and push the little girl into the Nomu's arms. The smile on his face was carved into y/n's memory.

The lack of regret mixed with the relieved expression was sickening. Y/n fought the urge to chase after him and make sure he got what was coming to him. She bit down on her inner cheek and stopped herself from verbally complaining about what she had just witnessed. Y/n didn't want to clutter her only form of communication with The League with her thoughts. Idiot. I'm sure he had a quirk. Why didn't he just use it?

Y/n weaved between people running around in disarray. No one was taking any consideration for each other; it was every man for themselves. There were several times when y/n nearly toppled over from someone bumping into her.

Up ahead of y/n, she saw a woman trip and fall over. Y/n tried to fight the current of bodies to offer the woman her hand. Y/n stopped in her tracks, and her eyes locked ahead of her. The woman was dead by the time y/n made it to her. She was trampled by the hoards of people running for their lives. Y/n shook her head. She had previously wondered if this scene was reminiscent of hell. Y/n was convinced that hell had crawled its way up to the surface.

Y/n weaved in between people. Everyone was trying to run to safety; y/n was trying to get herself closer to the heart of the destruction. As she made her way up the street, y/n kept the woman in mind. Allowing herself to be knocked over could mean death.

Eventually, y/n found herself on a street lined with dust and bone. By now, y/n could recognize Tomura's work. Her heart fluttered, knowing Tomura had been here at one point. But that feeling was drowned by an overwhelming bout of loneliness.

Y/n considered her options. She couldn't decide if she should stop here for the time being or if she should keep looking for more signs of The League. This street was littered with Tomura's quirk. Y/n decided to stop and look for Tomura. If she couldn't find him, she would move on.

Keeping an eye out for heroes, y/n made her way to a tall building. Y/n learned to appreciate being up high. Being on ground level made y/n feel uncertain. She could barely breathe from the debris flying around, and she couldn't see what's ahead of her. For all she knew, y/n was walking right up to a hero. Y/n feared being captured more than anything. She wasn't ready to go to prison.

Y/n's heart raced. The door was right there. Several unfamiliar voices caught her attention. Civilians or Heroes? Y/n's mind jumped back and forth between the two before deciding to drop and crawl under a car.

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now