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"Thirty-seven left," y/n muttered to herself. Y/n hugged her pillow in her arms and looked out through the window. She found herself feeling even more conflicted as ever. 

Y/n considered the positives of helping The League. Villains were off the streets. Cities y/n had visited saw a slight decline in crime. Y/n didn't want to take credit for those stats, but it sounded a bit too convenient. Y/n wasn't sure she could go back to her old life again, and The League kept a roof over her head.

Her attention jumped to the negatives. Even if she didn't know The League's plans in full, y/n knew people were going to die. She could potentially get caught. A minuscule thought nagged at the back of her mind. Tomura might get arrested, or worse.

Y/n tried to ignore the little voice in her head. She told herself that it would be a good thing if Tomura got caught. Wherever Tomura goes, he leaves nothing but death and destruction in his path. Y/n didn't think he deserved to die, but he needed to get caught sometime soon. The realization left y/n feeling empty inside. 

He's been the source of so much warmth and happiness. While also being y/n's cause for despair and her darkest hours. Tomura has made her feel things no one has ever made her feel before. As selfish as it was, y/n wanted to continue exploring those emotions, both the highs and the lows. Y/n wanted to get high off those warm feelings he gave her, as well as drown in the melancholy that only he could cause her. 

Y/n took her mind off of Tomura and back to The League. She didn't feel confident that she could stop The League anymore at this rate anyway. Tomura's project has progressed too far. At this point, y/n thought things were out of her control.

Y/n's mind traveled to another possibility. Instead of her foiling The League, she wondered what would happen if Tomura's plan crumbled on its own. After giving it some thought, she decided that a few members would be arrested, while others will make it out alright. Tomura, Kurogiri, Himiko, and Dabi were least likely to get caught. She was the most likely suspect not to make it out. As Compress put it, she was the weakest link in The League.

Her mind jumped again. Y/n knew she had to cover all her bases if she wanted the best possible outcome for herself. The next thing she had to consider was what to do if she got arrested. Y/n wondered if she could talk her way out of going to jail. She furled her brows in thought. There were too many uncertainties to plan for.

Y/n had to consider both whether or not her quirk was made public. If not, she had a chance to get away with everything, but even then, the future was filled with unpredictability. If so, she was going to get arrested no matter what. Either for working with The League or for forging her Quirk Documentation forms to mark herself as quirkless. More likely than not, she'd be charged for both.

"Thirty-seven left," she repeated, trying to estimate how much more time y/n had left. Y/n had found more Nomu than everyone in The League put together. How fast or slow the Nomu Project progressed was almost entirely in her hands. She could get it done in a week or stretch it out over a month. Y/n didn't know how long it takes to make a Nomu, y/n guessed a few months. By y/n's estimation, she had two or three months left.

Beyond all the uncertainty, the only clear-cut thing was that she needed to come to a decision soon. Y/n rested her head on the pillow in her arms. She listened to the dead silence of her room. What to do, what to do.

A chilly breeze brushed up against y/n's skin. She woke up huddled in a ball, hugging onto her pillow, y/n couldn't remember falling asleep. She sat up and shivered before closing the window.

Y/n already knew she was going to get sent out again tonight. The Nomu Project was reaching its conclusion. There's no reason why Tomura and Kurogiri wouldn't send y/n out practically daily.

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