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Tomura was acting strangely after y/n came back with Spinner. It was like he was in a bad mood, except y/n could tell he wasn't; not any more than usual, that is. Unless it was League related, he kept to himself and ignored y/n.

Y/n thought it was unusual, but didn't think much of it for the first few days. She assumed Tomura was having one of his moods, and he was keeping y/n at arm's length to prevent himself from blowing up at her. Alternatively, Kurogiri has been encouraging y/n to find more villains for The League. She was never able to recreate the same overwhelming success as the time Spinner accompanied her. Y/n considered that Tomura might be upset with how she has been performing.

Either way, y/n ignored Tomura's odd behavior, she has given Tomura the silent treatment before. When he first brought y/n to his hideout, she ignored him on and off for three weeks. After IronStrike's death, she went silent for several days; y/n wanted to refuse Tomura's advances, but she wasn't going to pass up a chance to see the Nomu. Y/n was still hard at work mentally keeping a record of all League activity for the police when the opportunity comes up to hand over the information.

However, after a week of silence, y/n grew concerned for Tomura's mental health. As much as she didn't want to care about his well being, Tomura was still a person, and someone had to look out for him. Kurogiri was the only one Tomura was somewhat close to, but even Kurogiri didn't seem alarmed by Tomura's sudden sullenness. Y/n felt terrible that no one seemed to care or notice, she decided it would be inhuman not to check up on him.

"Umm, Tomura?" y/n quietly called the villain as she walked to his side and fumbled with her fingers. Tomura paused and glanced over towards y/n. The villain stayed silent. Y/n could see one eye from behind his hair, and the hand latched to his face. The eye looked glossed over and tired. It was hard to tell if Tomura was looking at or behind her.

Y/n took a quick peek at his computer screen. He was looking at local news reports for more villains he deemed qualified to become Nomu. That gave y/n an idea. "Would you like to come with me next time it's my turn to go recruiting?" Tomura shook his head and turned back to his computer. Well, he replied, sort of. Y/n was happy enough to get a response, even if it was nonverbal.

Y/n walked away from the villain and sat down on the couch. She vacantly stared at the back of Tomura's head, lost in thought. Y/n went over the details from her recruitment run with Spinner. She recalled that he was indeed acting normally when she left. Y/n was sure she couldn't have irritated him while she was with Spinner. Y/n tapped her index finger against her lips and thought back to when she got back.

She remembered the last bit of interaction she had with Tomura vividly. It was like seeing snapshots in y/n's mind, clear as day. He messed with her hair and praised her. Then he turned away and became like this. Unbeknownst to y/n, she had a gentle smile on her face.

She often heard people complain about Tomura's childish personality. The way he ruffled her hair always made her feel like he was treating her like a child. At first, y/n thought it was annoying and a little insulting, but now that he hasn't done it in a while, she found that it wasn't as bothersome as she remembered. Y/n ran her fingertips through her h/c hair. I kinda miss it.

Y/n heard Kurogiri calling her. Y/n jumped onto her feet and made her way into the back room. Since Tomura had gone silent, y/n  been taking orders from Kurogiri. Y/n lightly touched the back door and peeked inside.

His room wasn't lit up. Y/n could barely see movement from beyond the veil of darkness. "Kurogiri?" y/n called out as she squinted her eyes.

Kurogiri turned on a light, and y/n opened the door wider. "Come on in," Kurogiri said. Y/n did as she was asked and stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

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