One Final Night

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"How did everything go?" a deepened voice asked as soon as y/n passed through the portal.

"Alright. We found the car. Compress is keeping it for us, and we searched the doctor's house and gathered a few last minute things for Himiko." Y/n waited expectantly for Kurogiri's approval.

"I see, then we should be good to go." The shadow-like villain wandered off into the darkened hallway. Y/n watched as he slowly disappeared into the darkness.

She let out a small sigh, wishing that he had at least told her she did a good job. Y/n leaned against the couch's armrest and waited. It hit her that Tomura hadn't greeted her. She wondered if he was in the room.

Y/n poked her head through the bedroom door and peered inside. Nothing. Tomura wasn't in the room either. She stopped at the door frame and wondered where the blue-haired villain could be.

"Uhm, Kurogiri," y/n said in a low tone as she knocked on his door lightly. "Where is Tomura?"

"He's still with Dabi and Spinner," Kurogiri called out from the other side of the door.

Y/n thanked the villain and stepped away from his door. She walked down the hallway and entered the garage. Y/n felt awful that she didn't have as much time for Nobuo lately.

Dried blood was splattered all around the concrete floor, and chunks of half-eaten organs were strewed about. Her nomu was sitting on its bed, chewing on a long and fleshy piece that had dried up and became something appeared to be like rubber. Y/n felt her stomach knot up at the sight of the gore. Feeling her legs weaken, y/n walked into the room. 

Nobuo got up and slowly crept towards y/n. He rubbed his shoulder against her leg. Now able to take a close look at what exactly was in his mouth, y/n guessed that the stretchy substance was at one point intestines. She chewed on her cheek as she carefully patted the monster.

Y/n found a clean spot to sit. Much to her dismay, Nobuo rested his head on her lap as he vacantly chewed on his prized organ like a dog and a stuffed animal. Y/n took a shaky breath as she felt the dried-out flesh touch her skin.

Y/n lightly rubbed the monster's shoulder blade. "I'm going to be relying on you at Tartarus, okay?" she said in a hushed tone. The Nomu let out a huff. Y/n gave him a small smile. For a short moment, y/n wondered if he responded to her. She immediately let the thought slip her mind, reminding herself that Nobuo was incapable of speaking.

Y/n sat down with her Nomu for much longer than she intended. The monster gave off enough heat that she felt like he was her personal heater, and it was beginning to lull her to sleep. Y/n yawned, and Nobuo lifted his head in response. "I'll see you in a few hours. When we get back from Tartarus, I'll get you an extra special treat."

As she left the room, y/n could feel Nobuo's black, lifeless eyes vacantly stare in her direction. Even after she had closed the door, she could still sense her Nomu's gaze.

Light peered in from the kitchen window. Y/n walked up to the sink and looked out. It was still fairly bright outside, y/n guessed that she still had a few hours before the sun went down. Quickly, y/n walked back to her room.

She retrieved her hoodie and her belt. Y/n wanted to get in some last-minute training while she still had light. 

Y/n reached into her belt and pulled out her knife. It felt weighted in her hand. Between gathering information and spending time with Tomura, she had allowed her daily training routine to slip. 

It took several practice swings to get back to feeling comfortable with her knife. Y/n felt her arm beginning to feel sore. She stabbed the ground with the blade and flailed her arm. "Has it really been that long?" y/n asked herself.

✯Twisted Minds [Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now