Chapter 1 - The Begining

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After a few hours of doing chores around the orphanage, it was almost time to go to sleep. I was trying to finish my conversation with Jacob and Eric.

They were trying to persuade me to sneak out again. We do it occasionally but sometimes we get caught and I wasn't in the mood for that.

"Come on, it will be fun", Jacob says, trying to persuade me.

"No, I'm not doing it. What if we get caught? You know what will happen", I argue.

I was so petrified of doing it again after the last incident, where all three of us got caught and punished.

"We won't this time, we'll be more careful", Eric extends.

"No", I shout, getting more angry and scared by the thought of being caught.

"Please Ali", Jacob pleads, using my nickname to try and get what he wanted.

He's used that nickname for me ever since we were little and it was only him who used it. I'd like to think it made our friendship more special.

After they both pleaded for what seemed like ages, I couldn't resist the urge anymore. I really wanted to go out and it had been such a long time since we last did it.

"Fine", I sigh, giving up.

Jacob and Eric both had the same look of excitement planted on their faces and eventually I couldn't help but smile. Let's just hope we don't get caught.

All three of sneak downstairs, climbing out of the window and to my surprise, were undetected. We wasted no time and start to head down to the train track.

It was our favourite place to be because there was a hill placed next to it, where you could see the whole city. It gave us a sense of freedom, something we didn't get where we lived.

As we arrived, we sat down and looked at the stars like we would always do. The glowing moon was full tonight and it looked beautiful.

"I was thinking, one day we should just sneak out of the orphanage and never go back", Jacob mentions out of the blue.

"We would have no where to go though", I argue as his words took me by surprise.

"Anywhere would be better than there", Eric butts in.

"You're not actually considering this are you?!", I question as it was the most stupid idea I've ever heard.

"Look, we only have a couple more years till we are old enough to get out of there. We're only sixteen, we wouldn't be able to survive but when we are eighteen, we can get out. Until then we have each other to survive. I don't know about you guys but as long as I have you, I'll be okay till then", I continue in a softer tone.

They instantly turn to me and give me a warm smile. They both silently agree that Jacobs idea was not one any of us would attempt.

"Shouldn't the train be here by now?", Eric asks and walks down to the tunnel to try and spot it, leaving me and Jacob alone as we chuckle at his ambition.

Jacob slowly sits up, which then I also preceded to do. He gives me a solemn smile and begins to start talking.

"When we get out the orphanage, promise me we'll stay together. I don't know what I would do without you to help me".

I exchanged a warm smile and replied, "I promise, I'm not leaving you".

"And I'm not leaving you either, all we have is each other and Eric of course.", he chuckles, with the same smile. It felt like an intimate moment but perhaps I was reading it wrong.

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