Chapter 3 - The Chase

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Peter Pan's P.O.V:

Just as I predicted, she started to argue with her friend. How predictable and nieve. She thought she could get him on her side but Jacob's a lost boy now, he's loyal to me. It was fun, watching her try and fail.

She had yet to learn that this my game and I control every piece. I knew every move she was going to make before she even made it.

When I saw her last night, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to bring another girl to Neverland.

I'm not sure what it was, but was something so intriguing about her. I couldn't resist the urge to bring her back.

I knew me and the boys could have a lot of fun messing with her and to be fair, it's turning out better than I anticipated.

I had brought girls before but only for this purpose, but they weren't here anymore. I had a feeling she was going to be around for a while. She had it in her to break the rules, not many do.

Even though I warned her not to, she ran again. I knew she would, in fact, I was counting on it. I wanted to see how far she is going to test my patience. It was perfect. The boys loved to chase.

In excitement, I quickly call the lost boys in and they all gather round, looking at me in anticipation and delight.

"Boys, it's time to play a game", I announce.

"There's a girl on this island, I'm sure you've seen her around. She broke our rules and needs to be punished. She ran off and I need her brought back to the camp immediately. Injure her if necessary but do not kill her. First boys to find her and bring her back to me win the game", I explain.

"The game begins now", I continue.

They immediately all leave the camp and start to scatter across the forest to find her. It won't take them long. She doesn't know Neverland like we do.

I can't wait to bring her back.


Alice's P.O.V:

I was running through the forest as fast as my legs could take me. My life practically depended on it. I feared what Pan would do greatly.

It was rash decision and so so stupid but I couldn't stay in the camp, I was so angry and felt so betrayed by Jacob.

But I need to forget about him now. He doesn't care about me anymore. He's the only one I had left to trust and rely on but now I'm on my own.

I think that was the most upsetting thing about everything that has happen so far. Loosing Jacob. I've known him my whole life, he's always been there for me and now it's all gone.

Not to mention loosing Eric also. He must be so confused. I felt so bad and wanted nothing more than to go home and get back to him.

My lack of concentration and panic, makes me trip over several times whilst I am running. This causes my hands and face to become extremely dirty as small cuts also start to appear all over my body.

All of a sudden, I hear a group of boys hollering and running towards my direction. There's maybe two or three of them, and they're heading my way.

Crap! I needed to get out of sight, I needed to hide now. I didn't have time to run or climb a tree, so all I could do was hide behind one.

"I swear I saw someone over here", a voice says.

"She's obviously hiding idiot", says another.

"Come out princess, we know your here", the boy taunts in a sinister way.

I say nothing, not moving a muscle and trying to stay silent. But they start walking towards my direction anyway.


I really didn't want to get caught, I couldn't go back to that camp. On instinct, I quickly grab a rock from the ground and throw it in the opposite direction to where I am.

Please take the bait.

"This way!", one of the boys shouts.

They immediately start to run in the opposite direction, like I intended them to. Thank god for that, I don't know what I'd do if I was caught so quick.

I wait for a minute or two, then I walk away backwards, keeping an eye on the direction they just left from and making sure they don't come back.

I am about ready to run again but as I am about to turn around, I am unexpectedly grabbed from behind and around the waist by an unknown boy.

For gods sake.

"I've got her", he claims to another boy, who is standing a few metres away from us.

I start to struggle but it's too difficult to get out of his grip, he is a lot stronger than me. I then resort to kicking him below and he instantly let me go. He falls to the ground and starts to groan.

The other boy hisses at me, angry at my escape and then tries to grab me. Instinctively, I grab a small broken branch from the ground and use it to hit him over the head with. He then falls down, unconscious.

As soon as they were both on the ground, I run again and don't stop. I am constantly looking behind and around me to see if they're following me but I haven't seen anyone so far. This makes me slow down my running, so I can catch my breath.

Suddenly, I think I hear something behind me but I turn around to see there is nothing there. As I turn back around and proceed to walk, I come face to face with another boy.

I prepare to attack or run away but he just stands still and stares at me. He doesn't look like he is out to get me but he is dressed like a lost boy.

He looks around and behind him, like he is looking to see if anyone else is around. When no one is in sight he turns back to me and nods his head to the side, letting me go.

I furrow my brows at him, greatly confused by his actions but I do not question it. I take the opportunity and sprint in the opposite direction.

After a while of running, the noises from the lost boys start to fade. I cannot hear anyone behind me so, I take this opportunity to lean against a tree and relax.

When my breathing becomes relaxed again, I go on a search for some water as my throat is incredibly dry and crying out for hydration.

As I am searching for water, I can sense someone approaching me and all of a sudden there is a boy standing a few feet away from me, pointing a bow an arrow at.

Before I can do anything, a surge of pain fires through my body as I look down to the right of my waist realising that an arrow has penetrated it.

I wince in pain as I take the arrow out of my side, dropping it on the the floor, glaring daggers at the the boy who shot me.

I soon realise I am loosing blood fast as I attempt to stop it by covering it with my hands. My head becomes light from the pain I am feeling and my body starts to stumble backwards from exhaustion.

When I am on the ground, I shuffle to the tree next to me so I can lean on it for support. My breathing becomes extremely heavy as I paint.

I then look up to see the boy who shot me is hollering, announcing that he's got me. I then know for definite that he is calling for the other boys to come.

I know I need to run but I can't. I don't have the strength to do. The last thing I see is my hands covered in crimson red blood as darkness consumes me.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 13.08.19


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