Chapter 42 - Hide And Seek

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The lost boys all gather quickly in the main area of the camp, awaiting Pan to announce his game. I don't know what it's going to be yet though.

I just hope he's not going to punish me by playing manhunt because I hate that game even more than I hate him.

"Boys gather round, we're playing hide and seek", he grins.

"I didn't know we were 3 years old", I huff under my breath but he clearly sees me as he gives me a glare.

"Like always, we're going to do it in teams and the last ones to be caught win, but the first ones will be punished", he declares.

I hate this game, I mean I hate all his games to be honest. But when I was very new to Neverland, me Thomas, Minho, Frypan and Hunter got caught first because of me. I hated it because it was my fault and they got punished as well as me.

"So, who's going to be it?", he asks.

"Mason, thank you for volunteering your team", he smirks but of course Mason never actually volunteered.

I notice that Alex isn't with them, as it is technically his team, and assumed he was still recovering from the injury that I caused him. I had almost forgotten about that, since so much has happened.

"I'll remind you all that this game lasts all day, until this time tomorrow, so get ready to play", he announces and I begin to walk towards my group but he stops me and grabs my arm.

"Where do you think your going?", he questions me, lifting one brow.

"To my group?", I say, stating the obvious.

"You think after todays shenanigans that I'll let you out of my sight?", he chuckles.

"No-uh, I've got to keep an eye on you, you're staying with me", he demands.

"So what, we're just going to stay here whilst they're playing the game?", I ask. As I say that, he looks at me like an idea has just clicked in his head.

"No actually, we'll be joining in", he announces.

"What? You?", I blurt out, confused. Pan never really joins in with his own games, well unless he is tormenting you. He grins at me in response and turns to talk to the boys again.

"Boys, our lost girl has requested that I should join in with the game, what do you think?", he declares and all the boys cheer in response.

"But I didn't s-", I try to argue but he shushes me and puts his hand over my mouth. I immediately pull it off and give him a death glare.

"Now, do you promise to behave?", he smirks.


Straight after the game begins, Pan uses his magic to transport us to an unknown destination. We walk for a couple of minutes before he gestures for me to go towards an area full of ivy.

"And what's this suppose to be?", I ask, unimpressed.

He instantly smirks at my remark and uses his magic to pull back the ivy, to reveal a secret clearing. When we walk towards it, a cabin quickly becomes visible.

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