Chapter 15 - Into Hiding

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As Tiger Lily and I walked through the dark Neverland woods, as it was still night, she kept her hand fixed to her bow and constantly be on the look out for lost boys or Pan I suspect.

"We have an advantage, Pan should not be able to find you because I'm one hundred percent sure he believes your dead. I mean not many people survive jumping into Neverland's dangerous waters", she explained.

"Well I wouldn't have if it wasn't for Ariel", I responded.

"Your lucky she wasn't one of neverland mermaids, otherwise they would have tarred you limb from limb", she warned.

We finally arrived at a clearing, when Tiger Lily uncovered a hole in the ground which was covered by foliage. There was a bamboo ladder placed below it and tiger Lily started to climb down it.

"Are you coming?", she asked. I was very confused at where she was going until I started to climb down myself and I appeared to be in a secret hide out.

"Welcome to my hide out", she said with her arms open to show off the cave like home. She then started to build a fire and gestured me to sit.

"Where are the rest of the natives", I asked, confused.

She chuckled at me, "our camp is on the other side of the island but I thought you may need some rest from the day you've had. Then, in the morning we can head out to the camp. I had created a bunch of hideouts all over the island in case of emergencies, when I've needed to hide from Pan and his boys", she explained.

I nodded at her in response. "This is an amazing hide out", I say to her.

"Pan and his boys have not found me yet, why are they after you?", she questions.

"It's a long story", I explained.

"We've got all the time in the world", she exaggerates.

"Pan likes to play games with people and unfortunately he chose me to play with. He tortures me for fun I guess", I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I know the way that Pan treats people", she says with sorrow.

"I just need to find a way off this island, do you have any ideas?", I ask with desperation.

"I have never tried to get off this island because well it is my home and me and pan have made agreements to stay out of each others way so, I wouldn't be the best person to talk to about finding a way off of it", she told me.

"Do you know anyone who would know?", I ask.

"Well perhaps tinker bell might but like me she seems to have refuge here", she explained.

"But why did you two seek refuge here?", I questioned.

"You see, we're both ex-fairies but we both failed to meet the fairies expectations so, we had to leave and make a home here", she said. She could see I was desperate to ask more questions about what she said, so she told me,"I would talk more about my past but I'd rather not get into it but we can visit her treehouse tomorrow", she told me.

"Ok that's fine, what about Captain Hook though, he's an enemy of Pan, surely he would be willing to help us", I ask.

"Maybe, but I don't believe he can be trusted, Pan may be the villain on this island but Captain Hook is no saint", she says.

"I just think it's worth a try", I continue.

"Well I think you need to rest for now and we can continue this conversation tomorrow", she continues.

I nod my head and begin to lye down next to the fire for warmth. "Goodnight", I say.

"Night, and remember, no matter what you do, do not leave here", she says. I nod and slowly close my eyes and eventually I fall asleep.


I suddenly wake up to the loud sound of children crying. What is going on? I look over at Tiger Lily and try to wake her up but she does not stir.

I remembered what she warned me but the crying would not stop and I need to find out where it's coming from. So I began to climb up the ladder into the dark woods. I start to wonder round but I cannot find where the sound is coming from.

Suddenly I heard a rustle in the distance. Oh no, this is not happening again. I should have listened to Tiger Lily. I'm so stupid why did I have to be drawn out by the cries.

"I see you've made a new friend, wonder why she can't hear the cries", Pan says as he steps out of the darkness with a smirk plastered on his face as usual.

I say nothing in response as I don't was to give him the satisfaction of anything I say. Instead I glare daggers at him. He starts circling me like a predator.

"You see I'm disappointed, I thought you were dead", he explains.

Ignoring his comment, I start shouting at him,"how could you do that to Thomas".

"Oh I understand your upset", he says sarcastically.

I got so angry at his flippant comment that I seize the opportunity to grab his knife from his side and pressed it against his neck as his body leant against the tree. "You have no idea how I feel", I spat at him.

"You've got fire, I like fire", he chuckles in a nasty way with a large smirk.

"I'm not here to entertain you", I say digging the knife deeper in his throat.

"I think I might make a new name for you, you know", he says to me, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm not your pet", I say agitated and disgusted.

"That's where your wrong", he says grabbing the knife and pushing it down. He then proceeds to grab my hands, preventing me from fighting against him.

"I think I'll call you Ali for short", she says with a evil smile. "You know, the name that your dearest friend gave to you", he says with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"Don't call me that!", I respond. That was Jacobs special nickname for me and ever since his betrayal, I never want to hear it again, and he knew it.

"Fine, Blake it is", he said, still smirking. He choose to call me my last name instead, I knew he was just trying to get on my nerves.

I look at him confused as he carries on. "Now come along nicely to camp", he continued, in the most patronising tone.

"No, I'm not going back", I shout at him and try to escape his hold but I am unsuccessful and suddenly my vision goes black.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 21.12.19


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