Chapter 26 - Control

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Peter Pan's P.O.V:

It had almost been an hour since I had left Alice with Wendy and she was not back yet. I would have hoped she learnt her lesson and hasn't run off. The anger on her face when I called her Blake again was priceless.

I can't believe I managed to trick her into believing that I killed Wendy. I told Wendy to play along if she wanted to see her brothers again and used a fake heart to stage it.

It was perfect, I knew she would pick Wendy and I knew I could hurt her this way because she would have to live with the guilt of choosing a lost boy over Wendy, who was much more innocent then Mason was and I knew that she knew that.

She's knows that Baelfire will never forgive her if he finds out the truth. This was the best way to hurt her because of what she did with Mason.

I didn't want the same thing to happen to Mason as what happened to Thomas. It was true, Mason was a loyal lost boys and I didn't want his loyalties or his priorities to shift because of one girl, so I had to prevent it.

I didn't like that my power could be taken away from me, so easily, by this girl. It was infuriating. The only thing left to do, to really secure the deal, was to turn them against each other.

I wanted her to know that I was in control and that there was consequences for her actions. She can't just do whatever she wants on my island. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted...

"Do you think she'll come back?", Felix asks as he comes to my side.

"If she knows what's good for her then she will", I explain.

"Why haven't you gotten rid of her yet?", he asks me out of the blue.

"Why would I, when the game is so interesting", I snickered.

"Usually you'd be bored of the game by now", Felix says.

He was right, everytime I brought someone to the island to play games with them, I would usually end up getting rid of them within weeks. This girl has been here for months and months.

"She intrigues me, everytime I bring a girl to the island, they fall for me so fast and it's fun to play with their emotions, obviously, but Alice isn't like that. She's new and interesting. It's exciting to have someone who plays the game differently. She's a challenge, and you know how much I love a challenge Felix", I explained.

This is what I did to Wendy, played with her emotions, but I got bored so quickly, so I just threw her in a cage and used her for her brothers help on the mainland.

"What are you planning to do with her after the game is over?", Felix asks.

"I don't know but something's telling me that I can't just kill her. It just feels like she's meant to be here, I can't explain it", I respond.

"I think you just have a soft spot for her", he chuckled as he teased me.

Before I could disagree with him I saw Mason walking over to us. His head was bloody and his face was filled with anger and confusion.

"What happened to you?", I questioned.

"It doesn't matter. I need to know something Pan. Is Thomas dead?", he asks me with solemn eyes. Alice must have told him, after what just happened? She's got more guts then I thought.

I need to tell him a lie to make it sound like an accident, to make me sound like I'm the good guy and Thomas was the bad guy. I need to try and bring him back on my side, before his loyalty is lost.

"Yes. I didn't want to tell you, I knew how close you were to him and the news was to devastating", I lie to him.

"What happened to him?", he questions in a sad tone.

"As you might know, he had some sort of romance with Alice. This made his loyalty towards me fade as he liked her so, he tried to kill me. When I was trying to protect myself, he accidentally fall off the side of a cliff. Alice was devastated, obviously, and I think she may have made herself believe something else happened, to numb the pain I guess. I didn't want to tell the boys because they have such fond memories of Thomas and I didn't want to ruin that", I lied, convincingly.

Mason didn't respond but I saw him trying to process the information I was telling him and he looked deep in thought at my words. But I could see he believed the words I was saying.

"Did she do that to your head?", I asked him.

He nodded at me. "She lashed out on me and started saying all these lies about you. She was hysterical and started freaking out", he said in a worrying tone, it was clear he still cared for her but that would have to change.

"Thomas's death has effected more then I first believed it did, I tried to help her but she doesn't trust me. She thinks I'm the bad guy but I'm just trying to save her from herself", I said, keeping this scarade going.

This was perfect, I didn't need to turn them against each other, they had already done it themselves. And I had Mason exactly where I wanted him, loyal to me. I wasn't even that made at Alice for doing this, she had put everything into place for me.

"Where is she now?", I asked him.

"I don't know. She knocked me out and ran off I suppose", he suggested.

"Don't worry, I will find her before she ends up hurting herself, somehow", I explain. Where was she? I couldn't sense her on the island properly.

"And when you see her again, it may be a good idea not to approach her. Like I said, she's finding it difficult to cope with the death and she's become delirious. I fear if you say something to her that she doesn't want to hear, she might do something bad", I continued as Mason nodded. I don't need her messing up my story by talking to Mason.

We were interrupted by two boys approaching us. They looked like they had been running as they had a shortness in breath.

"Two pirates have been spotted on the island", the one boy said, who was called Devin.

"Do you want me to get the boys ready?", Felix intervened.

"Not this time Felix, I can deal with them", I said, suspecting that they had taken Alice. She didn't seem to be on the island, from what I can tell, so Hook must have taken her to try and get revenge on me.

"Looks like it's time to pay another visit to my old friend again", I say to Felix as he smirks at me.


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Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 14.05.20


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