Chapter 31 - Reunited

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Alice's P.O.V:

As soon as I leave the clearing I run as fast as I possibly can back to the camp. I know it's not safe there and I definitely don't trust Pan but it's worth the little bit of extra freedom I will have as the boys are running around Neverland trying to find me.

I can't believe I've lost another friend but I was glad that Jack would be able to get home safely, even if he had lost Amy. I don't regret my decision, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I chose to go.

It's takes me at least something minutes to find and to return back to camp and as soon as I do, I notice someone lying on the ground of the forest floor. I slowly approach the unconscious body and as son as I do, I drop down next to them, realising who they are.

"Eric?", I say in disbelief. I immediately check his pulse to find that he is a still breathing. Thank god. I try to wake him up but it does not work, he is out cold.

The last time I saw him was the night Jacob and I followed the sound of Pans pipe into the forest. Ever since we got here I had wished to be with him again but not like this.

I'm scared of what he must think of me. He must of felt so alone and abandoned, thinking me and Jacob left him. But I never wanted to come here, I wanted to leave and get back to him.

But he shouldn't be here, this isn't fair. He shouldn't be stuck on this island. I don't know what Pan is planning to do with him or why he brought him here but I don't want to find out.

"What's going on here then", a familiar smug voice calls out from behind me.

The voice pulls me out of my thoughts and back into reality. I turn around to see Mason and Alex approaching me with smirks plasters on their faces. This can't be good.

"What are you guys doing?", I ask them suspiciously, standing up from my position.

"We're just going to have a little bit of fun with the new arrivial", Alex says in a sinister tone. I can't let them hurt him.

"No. Leave him alone", I demand. I can't decide whether Pan has planned for them to be here or if they spotted me in the woods and followed me here. But I'm not giving up on a mother friend.

They ignore my demand and continue to stalk towards me. I see Alex nod his head over to Mason, it is clear they know exactly what they are doing as Alex grabs me by the waist and starts moving me away from Eric as Mason crouches down next to Eric.

"Get of me!", I shout as I struggle to get out of Alex's grip but he is stronger and throws me hard against a tree, shifting his weight and keeping his grip on me.

"Please dont hurt him", I beg as it is all I can do. I am unable to do anything to stop them, they have more power than me and they know it. But they both ignore me.

"This is Eric right?", Mason says in a cocky tone. I told him all about my past and he knows how much Eric means to me.

He suddenly pulls out a dagger from his side and puts it towards Eric's face, scratching it slightly.

"Don't touch him", I protest. But again he ignores me and continues.

"Please, he's the only person I've got left you know that", I say desperately and this time he stops and turns his head to look at me.

"Too bad", he mocks. This makes me realise how much he has really changed, this was not the mason I knew.

I shake my head in disappointment and hurt. "I was so stupid to think I could trust you!", I shout at him.

"Well, that was your mistake. Never trust a lost boy", he responds.

"Do u regret it?", I hear Alex's smug voice.

I turn my head over back to Alex as he speaks. "Regret what?", I ask in confusion.

"Choosing him over Wendy's life", he speaks quietly so that only I can hear him.

My eyes widen in shock. "How do you know about that?", I question.

"Oh Alice, that's not the only thing I know. I know everything about you", he continues to speak in quietly so that mason can't hear what he is saying to me.

"What are you talking about?", I question, once again.

"I know the truth about what happened to Thomas and what was going on between you two. I saw you at Luna lagoon and I told pan everything", he says, continuing to speak in quietly so that mason can't hear.

I realise he does this because nobody knows the truth about what happened to Thomas. Pan convinced them all that it was an accident and that I was crazy but Alex knew the truth the whole time. But this thought makes m angry

"You're the reason he's dead", I say saddened.

"That's not the only thing I told Pan though, I saw you and Mason in the treehouse together. You're quite the little whore aren't you?", he says angrily.

"That's what this is about! You're mad at me because you think I'm some slut?", I ask, outraged.

"Not just that", he responds.

"Then why? Why did you do all that to me? Why do you hate me so much, what did I ever do to you?!", I shout angrily.

"You're a weak little girl and you don't belong here", he smirks, pulling out a dagger and pointing it towards me.

I grunt in pain as he pulls the dagger across my stomach cutting me deep but not deep enough to kill me instantly. But I know if I didn't get help soon, the cut would kill me. I know he just wants to see me suffer.

I have enough strength to continue to stand and try and push him off me, to stop him from causing me pain but it doesn't work.

He suddenly pulls back the dagger himself and looks as if he is going to attack me again. But before he can, someone attacks him with a branch and he falls to the ground, unconscious.

I look up to see Jacob in front of me as he drops the branch he used to knock out Alex with. He looks at me with pity in his eyes. Everything happened so fast   that I barely had time to process it.

I'm in a complete state of confusion by his actions but before I can question it Mason stands up and starts shouting and complaining at Jacob, who is also confused by his actions.

Jacob turns his attention towards Mason and anger takes over him as he makes his way over to him. He swings powerfully at him and his punch knocks him unconscious too.

"Don't come near my friends again", he spits.

I slowly sit on the ground with my back against the tree, groaning in pain. I grasp my wound, trying to stop the blood from flowing. Relief enters my body as I had been saved from being injured further.

I see Jacob look over to me and realise that I'm not in a good state. This causes him to immediately run over to me and crouch down by my side.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 19.06.20


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