Chapter 38 - On The Run

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I don't know how long it's been since I left the camp, I also don't know how long I was asleep for or how long I've been on the run but I had to keep going.

No sign of lost boys yet. I don't know if I should be worried or happy about that fact but what I did know is that I was very hungry and very thirsty.

With that, I try to find some berries which are usually in the bushes around the woods. Once I do I know not to eat the blue ones and only the red ones, since Thomas warned me once.

I then make my way towards the sound of water so I can get a drink. Once I spot the river, I make my way down the hill, towards the water.

Once I do, I get down on my knees and cup it in my hands, drinking it and using it to refresh my face to get rid of the dirt and tears that are stained on my cheeks.

My head lifts up instantly as I hear rustling noises coming from the top of the hill on the other side. When I look up, I see three lost boys with their faces covered by large hoods.

From a distance, I can see one or two of them holding weapons one of them points a bow and arrow at me. As soon as they notice that I've seen them, they start shouting and hollering at me.

"There she is", one boy says.

"Get her", another one says as they start running towards me.

I'm not sticking round to be captured again, so I start to sprint up my side of the hill to hopefully lose them amongst the trees.

As I am running, I can feel them catching up to me already but if I plan it right, I can make them split up to find me and them I can take them out one by one.

To do this, I try to confuse them by turning in different directions and purposely leaving tracks in specific places. After all my time in Neverland previously, I know how to trick the lost boys.......sometimes.

As I am in my own thoughts, I am interrupted by something or someone, knocking me down and making me fall and crash to the ground.

I scramble to my feet in order to get up and as I look up I see the lost boy who knocked me down, his face still covered by a hood and he is on the ground also. He instantly gets up and tries to grab me but stops immediately as he sees my face.

"Liv?", he questions with confusion. I am also confused for a second until I remember the boys voice. My eyes widen in pure shock and confusion as he pulls down his hood to reveal his face.

"James?", I say in disbelief.

"You're a lost boy", I stutter, walking backwards and away from him. I hate lost boys but I don't hate James, do I? He can't be one of them.

He looks offended by my action but what can he expect, literally ten seconds ago, before he realised it was me, he was trying to capture me.

"You're Alice Blake?", he says in shock, still looking confused.

"I don't understand. I thought that- well I thought", he tried to say.

"Look, I know you must have a lot of questions and I know I wasn't totally honest with you before but I promise there's a reason for that. Just believe me when I say it's best if you just pretend you don't know me and I promise I will explain everything as soon as I can", I try to explain but I turn my head the other way as I can hear the other boys coming towards us.

"But not right now", I turn to face him again and quickly wrap up, before the others find us.

"You can't tell anyone otherwise you'll become the enemy to. I've got to go", I explain.

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