Chapter 8 - Neverland lntruders

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Alices P.O.V:

I've been in neverland for weeks now, probably even months. There's no way on knowing time on this cursed island. All I know is that Thomas was right.

There is no way off this island. I've tried everything. I've obviously ran away a lot, which also resulted in being caught and having to listen to a lecture by pan and a punishment of course.

To be honest I'm surprised he hasn't put me in a cage yet, but he has threatened it a number of times. I am trying my best not to be put in one, well at the same time trying to find a way of the island. I don't think that's going to work for much longer.

I still don't even know why I'm here. I think Pan is just bored and wants to torture me for entertainment. Who knew neverland could be so boring sometimes, at least I have a few friends (well I'd like to think they are) otherwise I'd go crazy.

To be honest, I don't even hate Pan that much anymore, it kills me to say it. I've let my guard down with him, he can be nice, occasionally that is. A part from all the horrible shit he does of course.

I mean I'm not aloud out of the camp, so I can't explore the island and even when I'm running away I'm to busy running to actually enjoy myself and look around. I usually get caught quite fast.

I hate to say it but pans games are quite exciting as a part of my days here. I know, I know it's bad. In his games I literally almost get killed but trust me it's more exciting then sitting in the camp, not being allowed to leave.

Thomas, Frypan, Minho and Mason are by far the most likeable people here because I've gotten to know them very well since being here as they are the only people I can have a real conversation with and relate to.

I can't say I fully trust them though, they work for Pan and do whatever he says no matter what. However, if they find me during a game, they usually let me get away, pretending not to see me but it's so obvious the way they smirk at me.

I guess it's hard for them to find a balance. They are loyal to Pan but they also have a friendship with me, which makes it more difficult as they are kind of in the middle.

However, Thomas has been the most close to me as he approached me first. Too be honest I think I might like him, he's so kind and so are the others but there's just something about him.

I've seen Jacob a few times since I've been here. There's a lot of lost boys on the island so I don't see him that often. Ever since that argument, we haven't spoken to each other at all. He just sometimes stares at me blankly. I can't tell what he is thinking.

I am currently sat on a log watching the fire with Thomas, Fry Pan, Mason, Hunter and Minho. This is what it would be like most days, if we weren't roped in one of Pans games.

"Any more ideas to escape today then", Mason says slyly to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes at him playfully. "Unfortunately, no", I laugh, trying to find the humour, in a bad situation. He laughs with me as I see pan staring at us cautiously.

"How many attempts is that now?", Fry laughed at me.

"Don't remind me", I said in response, chuckling.

"C'mon, it can't be that bad here, at least you have us right?", Minho said in a happy voice.

"I suppose your right but Thomas is so fucking annoying with his constant needing to be right all the time", I said jokingly, smirking at him as the group laughs. I guess I was kinda irritated that he was always right about all my escape plans failing.

"Yeah well says you miss constantly trying to escape the island", he jokes in response. I laugh and jokingly glare at him in response.

"It's not because of you guys though, I just don't see me ever getting along with Pan", I explain.

"I know Pan can be strict and harsh but give him a chance. He saved all us from a life we didn't want. There's a reason we're all here, we're all lost", Minho says.

I take in his words wisely, maybe I should give Pan more of a chance. He does have the ability to not be a complete asshole sometimes and it usually happens when he's not around the lost boys, which is a rare occurrence. Maybe Minho is right, what if I am lost. Is that why I'm here?

I go to respond to Minho but I spot something and my thoughts trail of...

"Speaking of Pan, why is he looking at us so much", I whisper to the group. I see them all about to turn their heads when I whisper shout, "don't all look at once idiots". They laugh at me and I return it.

"You should have told us that before you said it, you know how stupid we are", Hunter joked.

"He's probably just suspicious about us being together so much, it's nothing to worry about", Thomas reassured me.

"God forbid me actually enjoying myself and having people I can talk to", I said sarcastically.

I carry on looking at Pan, making full eye contact as the group continues to talk, when I see Felix approach pan with ease. He whispers something into Pans ears as his face changes, eyebrows raise and smirks.

"BOYS!", he suddenly shouts and follows it up by whistling so everyone can hear him. "Our guests are back, you know what that means", he says with excitement and joy.

The boys holler, perfectly understanding what he is talking about but I'm at a complete loss. What guests? I thought.

"We shall meet them at the beach before they even have a chance to step on neverland soil! And kill as many as we have to", he said with pride. Jesus who are these 'guests', Pan must really hate them. Enemies I'm guessing.

"Gather your weapons boys", Pan cheered and just like that every boy was getting there deadliest weapons to use on these people. Even the group, as Fry said, "here we go again". But not me. After his speech he began to approach us.

He pointed at Thomas, "Thomas, you will stay here, watch her and make sure she doesn't leave", he said strictly. He didn't even bother to to say my name, I've noticed that a lot. I'm called 'girl' or 'she' like I'm some foreign creature. I guess it makes sense, it's not like they get a lot of girls on this island.

"Why, what's going on?", I queried. But they all looked at me and didn't respond. They just waited for Pan to respond, probably out of fear that they'd tell me something that I wasn't suppose to know.

"I have to deal with some guests who are intruding on my island. Your staying here because you'll get in the way and get yourself killed, do you want that?", he said to me harshly.

"No", I replied sternly.

"Well if there are no more questions, I'm going to deal with our guests", he said with a smirk as he ran of with boys and their weapons, but before they did Minho said "have fun you guys", as the group smirked at us, going towards the beach.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 12.10.19


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