Chapter 43 - The Mermaids

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After my talk with Pan, I walk back into the cabin and went straight to bed to avoid having anymore conversations with him. I tried my best but I just couldn't sleep at all.

My mind kept me awake as I couldn't help but think about mine and Pans conversation. I was confused but grateful but annoyed but appreciative. I didn't know what to think or how to feel.

Ever since I've come in, I haven't heard Pan come back into the cabin though. I didn't know what he was doing but the thought eventually made me fall asleep.

In the early hours of the morning, I am suddenly woken up by the most enchanting and beautiful voice singing. I've never heard anything like it before.

It was as if it was calling to me and I was too curious to ignore it. It was too tempting to resist, I can't help myself but want to follow and investigate where it's coming from.

I'd had to look around to see if Pan had returned and to my luck he was not around. I take the opportunity to cautiously get up and leave before he comes back.

I didn't know how long I had been walking through the woods for but I didn't care. All I was focused on was the sound and where it was leading me.

After a while, I finally come to a stunning, turquoise lagoon like, water. When I scan my eyes over it, a head pops out of the water, gazing at me.

The head belonged to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her hair was raven which matched perfectly with her icy blue eyes and soft features.

It was her. The girl who the angelic voice belonged to. The one that had been calling to me. She continued to hum a sweet simple tone which made me feel relaxed and worry free.

She reached her hand out to me, inviting me in with her gentle touch. I fully surrender myself to her, connecting my hand with hers as she slowly pulls me in.

Then the realisation hits me like a ton of bricks and I now realise what creature this is. I snap out of my trace and attempt to pry my arms off hers. But it's no use, her strong grip pulls me in and it's too late.

When I am pulled under water, I continue to struggle and fight against the mermaids grip. As I do, I spot more of them swimming towards me, grabbing me also.

Suddenly, they all get blasted away by an invisible force which causes them to get frightened and swim away immediately.

I am shocked and confused but use the opportunity to swim upwards and resurface, allowing myself to breathe in the oxygen my lungs so desperately needed. I realise now that it is complete light now and morning has come.

As soon as I catch my breath, I swim back to the shore as quickly as possible. As I try to pull myself up and back onto land, a hand appears in front of me, offering to help me up.

I look up to meet the eyes of an annoyed Pan. Despite that, I take his hand and he pulls me up and out of the water and I instantly cough out the extra water from my body.

"What the hell where you thinking?!", he shouts at me angrily.

"I'm sorry for almost getting drowned?", I say semi sarcastically but he doesn't look pleased with my response.

"You can be so stupid sometimes. How could you be dumb enough to follow their singing", he yells.

"You don't understand, her voice was just so beautiful and calming and it was like it bewitched me. I couldn't escape from it", I explained.

"That's the point! They're sirens, that's how they lure their victims in, you know that. You've been warned plenty of times about the mermaids", he responds.

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