Chapter 27 - Taken Back

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After my conversation with Felix, I instantly transport onto Hooks ship to find Alice and take her back myself.

When I see her again, I'm not going to mention what happened with Mason or about him telling me. I feel like it will be more entertaining to watch it play out on its own.

As soon as his crew see me, some start to freak out and others look angry, pulling their swords out at me. I raise a brow at them as I chuckle at their confidence.

I raise my hands up mockingly at their efforts and say, "don't worry, I'm not here kill least not today". But of course this made the pirates expressions more angry as they keep their swords on me.

"Now, if you would kindly point me in the direction of your captain-", I begin to speak but get cut off.

"Over here boy", a voice called. I looked over to see hook leaning against the side of the ship, smirking at me.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me", I say. "And I want it back", I continued.

"Aye", he replied as a pirate brings out Alice by his side. She looks slightly frightened but keeps her composure. The pirate hands her over to Killian as he pulls a sword under her throat.

Alice's P.O.V:

As soon as Pan sees me his smirk fades slightly and his body stiffens up as the sword is pulled to my throat. I was warned this was happen but I still wasn't comfortable that a sword was under my throat.

"I'll give her back", he begins. ".......if you give me what I want", Hook responds. Pan already knew what he wanted, no explanation was needed.

"And if I don't?", Pan challenges with one brow arched and his smirk returning.

"I'll kill her", Hook threatens as he presses the sword closer to my neck. I know this is an act but I will admit he is scaring me a bit. I mean he could kill me if he really wanted to and I don't fully trust him yet. You can't blame me, I've only just met him.

As he said this, Pans face turned stern but he tried his best not to show it. Does he not want me dead? I thought he'd be happy to see me in danger but I couldn't read what he was thinking.

Pan paused for a second and then his expressions changed completely. "Are you really threatening me?", he chuckled darkly with a smirk.

"You're not getting off this island", he laughed.

"Then you're not getting the girl", Hook says as his voice darkens.

"Of course I am", Pan smirked.

I suddenly saw a cloud of smoke around me and felt myself being transported. I reappeared next to pan and he grips my arm tightly. I look over to Hook, who is slightly confused as everything happened so fast but as soon as he realises, he glares at Pan.

"I expected better from you captain", Pan begins to speak. "I thought you knew, Peter Pan never fails", and with that we disappeared from the ship and arrived on the sandy shores of the Neverland beach.

As soon as we arrived I attempted to run away from Pan. I'm not sure why as I know he would catch me but I guess it's just instinct.

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