Chapter 22 - Same Old Mistakes

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It was the next day and I had already regretted what had happened with Mason. I like him, I really do but I was so worried that Pan would find out. And maybe I wanted to take my mind off of how much I cared about Thomas.

I dread to think what he'll do to Mason. And Balefire as well because I would have broken his deal in some way I bet. Maybe making this deal was unwise, at least I had more freedom before but if Bae finds a way of the island it will be worth it.

I was sat in the treehouse trying to avoid the others, because of Mason, so Pan wasn't suspicious but perhaps it made me look even worse, but I couldn't see Mason right now. It killed me that I couldn't be with him and I couldn't tell him why.

Whilst deep in my thoughts, I heard someone walking up the stairs towards the tree house. I got up from the bed and walked towards the door to see who it was, when the noise stopped.

"Hello Blake", Pans voice said from behind me. He scared the shit out of me.

"Why can't you use the door?", I asked annoyed.

"Where would be the fun in that", he chuckled and smirked.

"What do you want", I said coldly.

"Just wondering why your so distant from the camp lately, I'm missing you very much", he said sarcastically, whilst walking around the room.

"Not really a fan of the lost boys", I say simply.

"That's not what I've heard", he said darkly looking up into my eyes.

I gulped. Now is the time to start panicking. Suddenly, I got transported to a clearing in the middle of the woods. This isn't good. At all.

"I'm gonna make this simple", Pan said from behind me. He was leaning against a tree at first then intimidatingly walked towards me, causing me to walk back.

"You couldn't just follow the rules, could you?", he said angrily.

I knew exactly what he was talking about and there was no point in denying it. I was too shocked to say anything for the moment.

Felix appeared out the clearing holding a girl? I was shocked, I had been here for a long time now and I had never seen here before. She had curly, blonde hair with hazel eyes and was wearing a white gown.

Pan walked towards them as Felix pushed her into his arms. He grabbed her tightly and walked her over to where I was standing.

"This is Wendy", he said with a smirk looking down at her, she was clearly petrified of him and you could tell that he loved it.

"Wendy Darling?", I questioned, remembering that Bae told me about this girl after we escape the cages together. He simply smirked at me in response, confirming my suspicions.

"What are you doing?", I asked, fearing the worst.

Ignoring my question he carried on, "Wendy has two darling brothers, who are just waiting for the day when they can see her again. Not to mention Baelfire, she came all this way to find him", he said mocking a sad face as he stroked her face, making her flinch.

"Look, whatever your planning on doing, this is between you and me", I say.

"We both know it's not that simple with me love, you should have thought about that long before", he said chuckling. I didn't respond to him as he was intimidating me.

"So, since Mason is quite a loyal lost boy, I wouldn't want to loose him unless it was absolutely necessary. So, I'm gonna give you a choice", he said giving Wendy back to Felix. He held her back as Pan ripped out her heart.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?!?", I shouted, shocked and angry as I walked towards Wendy, I needed to help her, she couldn't die because of my mistakes.

"Nu-uh no you don't", he said pushing me away from Wendy. He suddenly pulled out a second heart.

"W-who's is that", I stuttered.

"I think you know", he chuckled at me, it must have been Masons. "So make the choice", he tilted his head at me.

I was too stunned and shocked to anwser right away. "Your lost boy or the only family Baelfire got left. Choose wisely", he warned.

"I can't do that", I said in a worried tone.

"Fine, I'll kill them both", he smirked as he started to squeeze on both hearts.

"Wait, wait, please", I pleaded.

"I'm so sorry Wendy", I said, looking into her eyes. I would never forgive myself for this. Pan squeezed her heart as she fell to the ground. I ran towards her dead body as my eyes started to water. What have I done.

"He's never going to forgive me", I whispered slightly to my self as I started shaking slightly.

Suddenly, Pan grabbed my arm and kneeled down, "Learn the rules or trust me you will regret it", he said. I tugged away from his grip as he walked away from the clearing, leaving me on the ground with the girls body.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 10.04.20


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