Chapter 66 - Going Home

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Alice's P.O.V:

What did I do? What the hell did I do? I ripped the thing that was keeping him alive out of his body and just left him for dead. Now he's all alone and it's all my fault.

It was all too much to bare. So many bad things had happened so quickly I couldn't adjust to the reality of it. I felt completely crushed by the weight of it all, that I couldn't help but blame myself.

Maybe if I had tried better to convince him to- or if I acted sooner then maybe- or maybe if I didn't come a all I- I didn't know what I was even talking about, I was too flustered for words.

But I knew I had to do it, but it didn't mean I didn't regret it. I wanted to go back but I couldn't do that. I didn't know why after all that's happened I still wanted to help that monster but I did and I couldn't fight it.

After all, he lied to me our entire lives. He convinced me my own mother was dead just so he could have me under his control. It made me too mad for words. Not to mention the things he was planning to do just to have complete power.

All those years thinking I was an orphan only to find out my mother was alive and also the evil queen who had used her magic to strangle me just a few hours earlier. It was complicated to say the least. I had no idea how to feel about it. But I guess it made sense.

Everything I had heard about Regina and losing her child perfectly matched with my situation. Even that dream I had way back before the curse confirmed it, but it never even came to mind. How could I not see it before? Pan was right, we were similar in many ways.

I had to take my time going back to the ship just to process it. My mind was in a constant battle trying to decide what option to take. I knew what was right and wrong but my heart was telling me something different.

My eyes dragged over the scenery around me, taking it all in. I knew that this would be my last time on the island and I was just trying to absorb everything that had occurred here. I lost so many people because of this place but also found so many to love.

This place was a mixture of my nightmares and dreams and it was hard to know how to feeling about leaving. A part of me was relieved but the other half never wanted to leave again.

My head was racing with all the mistakes I had made, wondering when I would make another one. Am I now? I regretted almost every decision I ever made and wished I could go back and change it.

But eventually, I force myself to snap out of those reoccurring thoughts and manage to bring myself back to the ship. As I make my way aboard, the first thing I spot is Mary Margret running up to me.

"Oh thank god", she expresses as she pulls me into the tightest hug.

I am completely taken back by her actions. After everything she said, I didn't expect this reaction to me being gone. Or is it because i managed to get Henry's heart. Wait did they manage to save him in time? I quickly pull away, eager to ask.

"How is Henry? Is he-".

"Yes, yes he's fine. We got back just in time
thanks to you. He's just resting below deck", she confirms. I let out a huge sigh in relief, knowing that at least one of my actions led to something good.

"Emily where have you been?", she asks, changing her tone to one more concerned.

"Oh I-", I begin but her flustered state can't help but make her continue.

"I was afraid you weren't going come back. You took so long, I thought that something bad might have happened", she explains.

"Sorry I scared you. I just needed some time to think things through", I respond.

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